Hold On...You're The Luna?!

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-Gavin's POV-

The plane touched down in California, everyone talking. When the seatbelt light clicked off, and we were allowed to leave the plane, I got up, grabbing my carry on bag, and walking off the plane.

After baggage claim, I did a headcount. No one was missing, all thirty of us were present. We boarded the bus, heading towards our new pack house. This place reminded me of Kharlia. Every beach we passed, Kharlia came to mind. Every blond girl I saw, I thought of Kharlia. Even the ones with kids. This seemed like the place Kharlia would be at. But I knew she wasn't here. I had called every pack in America about Kharlia, and Alpha Neo said she wasn't there.

So I'm alone, in a place that has Kharlia's name written all over it.

When the bus stopped at a giant green mansion, my jaw dropped. The house was double the size of ours. Before I could knock, the door opened, and revealed a brown haired, blue eyed Neo.

"Glad to see you made it here alright." Neo smiled.

"Yeah. We can come in, right?" I replied.

Neo looked back, shouting something to someone. I caught the words 'Leah' and 'Ashton' in the mix, but the rest made no sense to me. After I heard the sound of someone rushing upstairs, Neo opened the door, allowing the pack in. The inside of the house was identical to the pack house back in Florida. When William stepped in, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes ran up, tackling him.

"Will! Welcome!" She said.

"Hey, Yaz." William greeted with an elated smile.

"I'm Yasmina, William's mate. I'm sure he's told y'all about me?" Yasmina asked.

Everyone groaned. "Only all the time."

Yasmina giggled. "I guess. I wish Leah could be down here. She'd just love to meet y'all."

Neo gave Yasmina a deadly look.

"Whose Leah?" I asked.

Neo sighed. "My mate. I did have news about her for my pack tonight. But I wasn't planning on you arriving until tomorrow. You'll meet my mate and son later, I'm sure. She's taking a nap."

Neo looked frustrated. After showing us our part of the house, Neo and I walked down the halls. The sound of a little boy's voice caught my attention.

"This is Superman, mommy! He can fly, but he can't change into wolves like Ashton and you." The little boy said happily.

An angelic voice replied. "That's awesome, Ashy! What else does Superman do?"

It was a girl. I followed the sound of the voices to a door, but Neo stopped me.

"Don't go in there. That's my mate and son. Let them be." Neo growled.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Fine." I said, walking downstairs. Why couldn't I see his mate and son?

-Kharlia's POV-

I stayed up with Ashton until lunch, when both me, and him were hungry. I picked him up, spinning in a circle, before walking downstairs. The first thing that hit me was all the new scents.

They really were here.

I sighed. I knew they'd know it was me sooner or later. Guess its going to be sooner. I walked into the kitchen, setting Ashton at the table. I then began making him a PB and J sandwich. After making him his lunch, I pulled out a package of frozen spaghetti, and popping it in the microwave.

I contacted Neo in my head.

Have you had lunch yet? I asked him.

No, why? Neo asked.

Come to the kitchen. I'll make you something to eat. I told him.

Um...I'm with Gavin, and another Blood wolf. Neo replied.

I don't care if they see me anymore. I'm starving, and so was Ashton.I said.

I was rewarded a chuckle in my head, before he went quiet. The microwave beeped, and I pulled out my frozen spaghetti, and stirring it with a fork. I sat next to Ashton, eating my spaghetti. After a few minutes, the door to the kitchen opened, and Neo entered. With William and Gavin. Ashton hopped up, running and hugging Neo's legs.

"Daddy!" Ashton said. "Ashton told mommy about heroes, and mommy promised Ashton will get more super heroes."

Neo smiled, picking Ashton up. "What heroes do you want?"

Ashton furrowed his tiny eyebrows, before speaking up. "Hulk, and Green Lantern!"

I smiled at him. Neo turned to William and Gavin, who were smiling at Ashton.

"Guys, this is my son, Ashton, and that, is my mate." Neo pointed to me.

Gavin walked up to me. He couldn't tell it was me, since I had my back to him.

"I'm Gavin. Its a pleasure to meet you-" I cut Gavin off.

"Actually, I doubt it is, Gavin." I stood up, walking to Neo. I pecked Neo's lips, before turning to Gavin.

"Sorry Gavin, I've gotta go. I've got to go get some shopping done." I said.

Gavin looked at me and paled. "K-Kharlia?"

I waved, giving him a fake smile. "Long time no see. Hows your life been? Found a replacement for your mate yet?"

Gavin paled even more. "Khar-" But I had already walked out.

-Neo's POV-

I was left with a pale Gavin, and my son. Gavin turned to me first, his eyes flashing a dull gold.

"You took my mate?!" Gavin roared. I set Ashton down, pushing him behind me.

"More like she ran to me." I said.

Gavin growled.

"She's mine, Neon. Not yours!" Gavin snapped.

"You rejected her, Gavin. She came to me!" I growled.

Gavin began shaking, until a small voice spoke up.

"Leave my mommy alone!" It was Ashton.

Gavin looked down at Ashton, his eyes softening. He knelled down in front of Ashton.

"How old are you?" Gavin asked.

"Ashton three." Ashton said, holding up three fingers.

Gavin smiled. "Three? Wow, you're a big boy."

Ashton glared at Gavin. "You hurt Ashton's mommy. You in trouble. I gonna get you one day."

Gavin frowned. I guess he realized Ashton was on my side.

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