Baby Boy

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-Kharlia's POV-

Neo woke me up for dinner, picking out my outfit. He chose my pink shirt that said Amour Love, with both the O's as hearts, and my short black shorts. After pulling on my outfit, I rushed downstairs with Neo, to the dining room.

Dinner was fine. We started off with salad, then we ate spaghetti. After dinner, everyone went outside, including Neo and I. The moon rose, it being a full moon. The Change ripped through me, giving me no chance to fight it. My clothes didn't rip, but instead sank painlessly into my skin. Everyone around me changed to, but seemed able to control it. A flurry of voices filled my head.

Welcome to the pack! They all said. But one voice caught my attention. It was Neo's.

Congrats, you're a member of the Gray Pack. He told me.

I cocked my gray head, staring at all of them. Most of the wolves were brown, a few silver furred ones here and there. But there was only one black wolf. That wolf was bigger than most of the brown and silver wolves, but I was about his height.

That's Neo. Alpha. Pepper said in my head. I bowed my head towards him, just like I did when I was made a part of Blood pack. A silver wolf trotted up to me, a wolfy smile on her face.

Sorry If you're confused. I'm Yasmina, remember? Come on, we're going to go running. She told me.

I nodded, as everyone got into a group. Neo's wolf barked, before beginning to run. Everyone followed. I stayed with Yasmina the whole time, until a pair of flashing eyes in a bush caught my attention. I halted to a stop. My rogue instincts kicked in. I had a stare down with it, not moving a muscle. I knew it was some sort of animal, but what, I didn't know. Boy, was I surprised when a gray wolf, just like mine slowly stepped out, a baby gray wolf in her mouth. She set the baby wolf down at my feet, before dropping a note. She then took off running.

I looked at the note first.

Dear whoever I gave this to:

I can't do it anymore. My baby isn't safe with me. He's three months old, yet he doesn't have a name. I didn't know what to call him. I'm a rogue. I don't want a pack. But my son needs one, so I beg of you. Bring him to your Alpha. Let him be someone else's child. They can name him. They can love him.



I looked at the baby wolf. I had just been left with a baby. Where had my new pack gone? I gently picked the mewling pup up by the scruff, taking off in a run.

NEO! I screamed in my head.

Kharlia, where are you? We can't find you anywhere! Was his reply.

I'm...I'm running back to the house. I have a problem.I said.

What's wrong? This time, it was Yasmina.

I...Just meet me at the pack house. I said, before blocking them out.

I reached the pack house, changing back to my clothed human self. The pup changed back too. He was tiny, his eyes wide, looking at me. He looked almost like he was mine. He had blond hair, and deep gray eyes, just like me. I cradled him, cooing things at him.

Soon, the pack arrived, changing back. Neo bolted to me. He froze, seeing the baby.

"Where did...How...How did you get that baby?" He asked, surprised.

Yasmina rushed over to me, looking at the baby.

"I...We were running, and I saw something in a bush. It was a rogue. She just came up and left her baby and this note. I didn't...I wouldn't have payed attention, but its a rogue instinct to pay attention to stuff like that." I explained. Neo called the whole pack to the dining room, announcing the baby to everyone.

"Our new member, Kharlia, seems to have found a rogue's child. Is anyone here willing to accept this baby as their own, to take care of it, and love it? We need to find a home for this pup." Neo said.

No one spoke up for the baby. Neo turned to me, as I cradled the baby.

"No one's willing to. We'll have to leave him at the town's orphanage-"

"No!" I gasped, hugging the little boy to me. "I'll keep him. How can you leave a baby at an orphanage? Everyone needs a family."

People turned to me, amazed.

"Kharlia, you're only fifteen, you can't take care of a baby." Neo said.

A chorus of agreement followed. My eyes flashed a copper as Pepper took over.

"You try to take away this pup from me and you'll lose a few fingers. My pup." She growled. Everyone took a step back from Pepper, even Neo.

"Very well then, Kharlia will keep the baby. You're all dismissed." Neo said. Everyone shuffled away, leaving Neo, the baby, and I alone in the dining room. Pepper gave me control.

"Khar, how will you even do school with a baby?" Neo asked.

I shrugged. "I'll home school. I want this baby safe."

Neo sighed, defeated. "What are you going to name him?"

I looked down at the baby boy. He made a sound at me, grabbing my hair.

"...Ashton. Ashton Blue." I said, smiling at Neo.

Neo sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Come on. It's time you and him should get to bed." Neo said finally.

I nodded, before slowly taking Ashton back to Neo and my room. I've been here for a day, and I already have my own pack, baby, and mate that loves me. Who knew running would be the best thing I ever did?

-Baby Ashton's POV-

I'm tired. I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired!

Mommy's holding me.

Feed me mommy!

If I don't get food soon, I'll bite you. Then cry.

Kharlia || previously I Don't Want You AnymoreWhere stories live. Discover now