From Rogue To Another Alpha's Mate

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-Kharlia's POV-

I changed to my dark gray wolf, lunging for a jack rabbit. Before it could try to flee, I cleanly bit it's head off, killing it instantly. I lumbered back to my hiding den I dug, eating the meat. I then grabbed my backpack in my mouth and continued on. I dodged trails passing by pack territories, unsure how far I was from Blood Pack.

Yet, I still continued on, my wolf form suppressing the pain I had from rejection.

After a night or two, I ran straight into a building.

A town. I shifted back, changing into my human clothes, and my glasses. My hair wasn't a strand out of place.

I then strutted onto the road, ignoring the glances from strangers. When I reached a diner, I walked in, a bell ringing to announce my presence. A blond waitress came up to me, leading me to a booth with a smile.

"Can I start you off with some coffee? Water? OJ?"

"Some coffee, please." I said with a smile.

The waitress nodded, walking off to leave me with a menu. Before I could get my drink, the sound of someone plunking down on the other chair caught my attention.

"Hey babe, you new?" A male voice asked.

I looked up, to see a boy my age. The first thing that I noticed was his scent. He was a werewolf, from a pack.

Crap, I'm on pack territory.

The wolf had curly dirty blond hair, with dark blue eyes.

"I'm just passing through." I blurted.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're a rogue? Are you...Whats her name, Kharlie, or whatever? That rogue whose crossed the country?"

I cocked my head. "I've only been running for a week. There's no way I'm out of Florida."

The wolf tipped back his head, laughing. "You're her, alright. And by the way babe, you're in Cali. California. Since you seem so clueless, I guess you're not that dangerous. I'm Jett. Mind telling me what you're doing here before Alpha finds you?"

I glared at Jett. "I'm passing through. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm running from my pack."

Jett's eyes flashed the color of his wolf's rank; His eyes were silver, the color of a Beta. "I really hate how stupid Alphas reject their mates if they're not sluts. What Alpha rejected you? Alpha Bone? Alpha Skye?"

"Alpha...Alpha Blood." I muttered.

Jett growled, pulling out a phone. "I'm calling that bastard right now. I'm going to give him a piece of my fucking mind about him rejecting you."

He was going to call Gavin, and tell him where I'm at. Pepper took over, snatching the phone from Jett.

"Don't!" She growled.

Jett looked up at her, growling. He shoved her to a wall, pinning her in.

"Don't ever tell someone higher ranked than you what to do!" He growled, his wolf taking over.

Pepper whimpered, shrinking back. Just then, the bell rang, and a boy came in.

-Neon's POV- (New POV)

I walked into the diner, the place I was going to meet Jett at, when I see him growling at a girl he's got pinned to the wall. What the fuck?

I rush over to him, to see the girl's eyes. They're copper, the color of a rogue.

Wonderful, another rogue on the loose.

"Listen, rogue, I understand that you were rejected, but you can't go running into other pack's territories. I was only nice since you seem so confused. But don't ever, tell me what to do." Jett growled.

I cleared my throat, causing Jett to let go of the girl, and turn to me. He paled, staggering back.

"A-Alpha...Hi..." Jett muttered.

"What the fuck is going on?" I growled.

Jett stuttered something inaudible, so I turned to the rogue.

Then it hit me. Her eyes had changed back to a smoky gray, only they were hidden by her thick glasses. Her blond hair cascaded down her back, ending at her hips. She had a goddess-like body,with slightly tanned skin. Her scent smelled like lavender and jasmine, mixed with vanilla.

I want her. Mine. My wolf, Talon said.

Everything around us dimmed, leaving just the rogue, and myself. A flurry of emotions ripped through my body.

Holy shit. My wolf just imprinted on a rogue.

I broke eye contact, everything returning to normal. The rogue looked ready to cry, Jett confused.

"What are you doing here?" I growled at the rogue, my wolf scolding me for being mean to his second-choice mate.

"I-I...I'm running. I was rejected, and...I don't know, running seemed like the best thing to clear my mind. I guess I ran from Florida all the way to California." The rogue said, her voice angelic.

I growled, turning to Jett. "Meeting's cancelled. Go back to the pack house."

Jett nodded, prancing out. I then looked back at the rogue. "Whats your name, sweetie."

The rogue looked down. "Kharlia...Kharlia Rhodes."

I almost moaned at the sound of her voice.

"Well, Kharlia, I'm Neon. I usually go by Neo, though." I told her.

She looked up, her eyes shining. "I think...Did you...Um, imprint on me?"

I looked away, blushing. "Yeah...I think I did. You were rejected, huh?"

Kharlia nodded.

"Well, how about you stay with my pack? You can join, and don't worry about Jett. He only did that cause he's touchy about his rank." I told her.

"O...Okay." Kharlia squeaked. I held out my hand to her. She hesitantly slid her hand into mine, sparks erupting up my body. Kharlia seemed ready to moan.

"Just like with Gavin..." She muttered.

I growled at the mention of another male.

Damn, I was already jealous, and I've only known my second mate for about three seconds. At least I know she won't reject me like my first mate.

-Kharlia's POV-

Wonderful. A hot boy with brown hair and blue eyes is my imprinted mate. Couldn't the world have waited a little longer, until I was ready? Though, he was really hot. Wouldn't mine having that chomping on my neck...

What am I saying?

I let Neo lead me out of the diner, towards the center of town.

Wonderful, I'll be joining a pack. Note the sarcasm.

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