What's My Son's Name, Neon?

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-Neo's POV-

I rushed to the hospital, ignoring the questions from my pack. Gavin met me at the door, leading me up to the room. I was met with Ashton, a little girl with dark hair and gray eyes, and her mother. They looked at me. The mother bowed her head. She was a werewolf.

"Alpha." She said. "I'm Tara, Tamara's mother. When we saw that there was something wrong with Luna Kharlia, I rushed the kids over."

I nodded, looking to the door. "Have they said what's wrong yet?"

Tara shook her head, looking at Ashton and the little girl, Tamara.

"I hope she's alright." Tara muttered.

After what seemed like forever, two doctors appeared. The first one came to me. He was a werewolf doctor. He looked at me sadly. My heart shattered.

"Its the babies." Now I was panicking. "They've manages to kick a few nerves in the womb, and it messed up Luna Kharlia's back. We'll have to keep her here after labor, so there's no further complications."

"But, she's not in any pain right now, right?" I asked.

The doctor shook his head. "We put her under sedatives, with pain killers. She's asleep, with no pain."

"And the twins?" I asked.

"Perfectly fine, though kicking hard."

I sighed in relief.

The doctor left, leaving me with Gavin, Tara, Tamara, and Ashton. Tara pulled me into a hug.

"Oh, I had no idea you were expecting! Oh, thank goddess she doesn't have anything serious." She said.

I looked to Gavin, who was playing with the kids. To think he may have been with Kharlia instead of me...

-Kharlia's POV-

The sound of an alarm penetrated my sleep.


Stupid alarm. I put my hand out, ready to smack it off, when a light jolted my eyes open. I wasn't at home.

I was in a hospital. What was wrong?

As soon as I sat up, the door opened, and Neo rushed in. He saw me, and froze. He rushed over to me.

"Kharlia, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

Neo seemed hesitant.

"...Four weeks. They...They kept using pain killers, and you were really drowsy." He said.

I frowned. "Why would they..." I came to a realization. "Did I...Have a miscarriage?"

Neo shook his head. "No, you just, were having nerve problems because of the baby. They...Said there's a chance you'll have a preterm labor."

"Hows....Is Ashton okay? Gavin?" I asked.

Neo nodded. "Ashton's worried, but with Tamara and Gavin. I managed to get them to stay. Yasmina is fretting though. She's as worried as I am."

I laughed. That sounds like Yasmina alright. Suddenly, exhaustion hit me, making it a battle to keep my eyes open. Was there something in the medicine in the tubes that were causing me to be drowsy?

"I'm going to take a nap." I said.

Neo nodded, right before I fell asleep.

* * * *

I awoke to a sharp pain in my abdomen, with the feeling of wetness. I called Neo's name, but alas, he wasn't here. Another sharp pain came up my back, making me feel woozy. I let out a scream, which was enough to get someone's attention.

A doctor came running down the stairs, a look of panic on his face. Something must be really wrong with me.

He took one look at me, before pressing a button on the wall.

"Claude, get down here, now. She's in labor." He said, before hanging up. It took all I had not to scream and curse at him.

Instead, I managed to croak out a few words.

"Whats happening?" I croaked. The doctor turned his head to me, a look of regret flashing in his eyes.

"I had to take Neo into another room. Claude, your nurse was watching him. Can't have him getting in the way when you deliver your baby, now can we?" The doctor's voice took on a soft tone, and his features softened. At that moment, he looked almost...Normal, I guess. Before anything else could be said, a girl with maroon red hair and blue eyes rushed in, carrying buckets of water, towels, a blanket, and a change of clothes for someone around my size. I continued to get pain and cramps in my abdomen, around my legs, and at my core.

"Ssh...Kharlia. Now's not the time for this. But you need to lie still, and listen to me." The nurse said in a soft voice, before turning to the doctor.

"You might want to leave. This is going to be painful for her, since I didn't have time to give her the medicine. But if you interrupt, it could really damage both of them." She paused. "I forgot the epidural. Go fetch it for me?"

The doctor nodded vigorously, and before I could blink, he was out of the room.

The nurse directed me to lean forward, as a long needle went into my back, numbness spreading through my body. I was directed to lay on my back, putting my knees to my chest, spread apart.

"Okay, Kharlia, next contraction, I'll tell you to push, and I want you to push, okay?" The nurse said in a gentle voice. As if her words gave me feeling again, I felt the next contraction, and it was a bad one.

"Okay, push!" She said.

I did as I was told, and began pushing. After what felt like 30 minutes, I heard a muffled baby cry, and collapsed against the pillows, but the pain was still there. Oh, right. I'm having twins.

Another nurse rushed in, wrapping the bundle of skin and cries into a towel, and then a blanket, before walking to the corner of the hospital room.

The first nurse commanded me to push again. With a yell, I pushed and pushed. With one last push, all my power in it, there was a muffled baby cry. I collapsed against the pillows.

"That it? The twins out?" I asked, my voice sounding slurred.

The first nurse nodded, before wrapping the bundle of skin and cries into a towel, and then a blanket, before walking to the corner of the room, joining the other nurse. I don't know how long I was just lying there, panting in and out breaths, when the nurses returned, setting the babies and the blankets on my chest, newly cleaned. The first newborn was small and pudgy, with skin seeming to hang off its little bones. Man, that baby was fat! It was my baby girl, my Lilium. My baby boy was skinnier, and slightly smaller than his sister.

"Oh, honey," I breathed, as they cried against my chest. "Oh, baby. Ssh."

I just laid there, cooing at the twins, when Neo rushed in, a wild look in his eyes. He saw me with the twins, and grinned, rushing over.

"Oh, babe." He muttered, looking at the babies. I smiled at them. My boy had his father's brown hair, and blue eyes. Lilium had my blond hair and gray eyes. I was in no pain. Could it get any better?

I looked at Neon lovingly.

"Did you ever decide on the boy's name?" I asked.

"Yes, I like Aiden Rhiatt-Stark Gray." Neon said. "Its a little unusual, but it fits."

I smiled at my babies, Lillium and Aiden. They were perfect. Everything was fine.


So, I noticed Aiden was popular among the comments, so, Aiden it is! The other two that were picked were Rhiatt and Stark, so, I decided to use both.


Rhiatt is pronounced Ree-ett ( Ree rhymes with See, ett rhymes with Let)

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