A Wolf Prophecy

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-Kharlia's POV-

Neo slowly helped me out of the car, then helped with Lilium and Aiden. Slowly, I walked up to the door, baby Lilium in my arms, when the door opened, and I was practically tackled by Ashton and Tamara.

"Mommy! You're home!" Ashton said.

"Hi auntie Kharwie!" Tamara said.

I hugged them with one arm. They saw Lilium and oohed.

"Whats that?" They asked.

I smiled. "It's your baby sister, Lilium. Say hi, Ashy." I told him.

He looked at it, smiling. "Hi, Lily!"

When Lilium cooed, Ashton looked at me. "Why can't she speak, mommy?"

I laughed. "You have to teach babies to talk. But it'll be a while before Lilium can talk."

Ashton grinned, before running off with Tamara.

Neo and I walked in, heading up towards our room. I opened the door. Some free space in the room had been turned into a nursery area for Aiden and Lilium. I had decided on baby colors already. Lilium's baby blankets, clothes, and everything was a nice lavender, Aiden's color was a burgundy red.

I set the twins down for a nap, before turning to Neo. He was grinning like he won the lottery.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you." He said simply, pecking my lips.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled me against him, leaning down for another kiss, when our door opened, and Gavin rushed in. I jumped back from Neo, hoping I wasn't red. Gavin tackled me in a hug, ignoring Neo's growls.

"Kharlia! Thank god you're safe." Gavin rushed.

"Slow down." I said, laughing.

"Sorry...Its just been so long since...Since you, uh..." Gavin trailed off, his hand on the back of his neck.

Neo growled. "Out. If you want to talk to her, go downstairs."

Gavin sighed, grabbing my hand, and pulling me downstairs. He pulled me outside, before plunking on the ground.

"So..." Gavin asked. "What happened? Neo got a call this morning and ran out like a mad man. Something happen?"

I looked away. "I had the twins."

Gavin raised an eyebrow. "So, is that why Neo was acting so weird when I came in?"

I nodded. "Most likely. I had just put them down for a nap."

Gavin sighed. "I'm jealous. I still haven't found my imprint mate. How long will I have to wait?"

I shrugged. "You'll find her. Trust me."

Before anything else could be said, Yasmina rushed out, grabbing my arm, and pulling me inside.

"Khar, there's some woman here to meet you, she's like one of those were-psychics. Let her give you a fortune or whatever!" Yasmina said excitedly.

I sighed, as Yasmina plunked me down at the dining room table, across from a woman with white hair, and blue eyes.

"Give me your hand, darling." The old woman said.

I did so, allowing her to grasp my hand hard. Her eyes lost color, becoming all white.

"You...You're her. The one. She who runs while carrying two. The child....The flower, she has a gift hidden in disability. The boy....The flame, he has a burden upon his shoulders. He's not strong enough....Not able...He's failing...." The woman gasped. "He is protected, as he protects. Sacrifice, for a gain...There's a baby, not blood....I can't....Its blurry, fading...Its gone."

Her eyes returned blue, as she looked at me sadly. "I'm so sorry. You don't seem ready for this....But you will be. When the time comes."

Abruptly, the woman got up,  and walked out. I shared a glance with Yasmina.

"What was that about?" I asked.

Yasmina shrugged, as she looked down at what she wrote. And paled.

"You're the one....The chosen reincarnate....How?" Yasmina muttered.

She looked up at me. "We're in for a load of trouble soon."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Today really is confusing.

-Neo's POV-

I looked down at my pups. They looked so cute, so tiny and frail. And they're mine.

"Lilium," I cooed softly. "Aiden."

As if they both heard me, they opened their eyes. I smiled. They looked just like their parents. Lilium had Kharlia's gray eyes, Aiden had my blue eyes.

I smiled at them. Looking at them, I noticed two birthmarks, one on each child's wrist. Lilium's kind of looked like a lily, Aiden's like a fire. Huh, weird.

I shrugged it off, before the door opened, revealing a blonde haired amber-eyed girl. My older sister. She took one look at me, before tackling me in a hug, tears streaming in her eyes.

"Neo, its horrible!" She sobbed. "He rejected me, because I'm barren! And, and, now I'm never going to have anyone. No mate, no kids, only you. And you'll leave me as soon as you find your mate."

"Shh, Lavender, you're going to wake them." I muttered, pointing to the cribs.

She looked to the cribs, and paled. "What did you do? I've only been gone for what feels like less than a year, and you have babies? Where's your mate?"

"It's been longer than that, Lav. But she's downstairs...You really need to be quiet, before you wake the twins. Do you want to meet my mate?" I said.

Lavender nodded vigorously.

I sighed, before walking with Lavender downstairs. Kharlia was talking with Gavin and Yasmina. She looked up when she saw me and smiled. Gavin followed her gaze, and froze.

-Gavin's POV-

I was talking with Kharlia and Yasmina, when Kharlia looked up, and smiled. I followed her gaze, expecting Neo to be ready to glare. Instead, I saw her.

Then it hit me. Her eyes were a golden color, though there was a slight brown in them. Her blond hair cascaded down, ending at her shoulders. She had a goddess-like body, with slightly tanned skin. Her scent smelled like lavender, mixed with chocolate.

I want her. Mine. My wolf, Quake said.

Everything around us dimmed, leaving just the girl, and myself. A flurry of emotions ripped through my body.

Holy shit. My wolf just imprinted on someone.

I broke eye contact, everything returning to normal.

"Kharlia, this is my sister, Lavender." Neo said, pointing to my imprint mate.

She pulled Kharlia in for a hug, a smile on her face. "I'm so happy, you seem so much better than the last mate."

Kharlia blushed, looking down. Lavender then looked to me. I put my hand out for a handshake. "I'm Gavin." I said.

She took my hand, sparks surging up my body. Yep, I imprinted on Neo's sister.

I am so going to be dead when he finds out.

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