Three Years Later

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-Gavin's POV-

Where the fuck did my mate go? Is she dead? She died, didn't she?

Kharlia was always on my mind. At breakfast, lunch, dinner, twenty-four seven I thought of her. But now I couldn't be depressed. I had to make sure my whole pack made it safely onto our plane. We're headed for the Gray Pack, which is in California. We were going to combine packs, meaning I would no longer be Alpha, since Gray Pack is higher ranked than Blood Pack. Blood Pack would no longer exist.

Just like Kharlia.

I sighed, boarding the plane. I was stuck next to William, my Beta who was going to marry a female Beta from Gray Pack. He was elated.

He turned to me with a smile.

"I just can't wait. I haven't seen her in a few months, dude. I finally get my good life with my mate," William paused when I winced. "Sorry man. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Maybe you'll find a nice female to settle down with in Gray Pack."

I nodded, before numbly looking out the window.

-Kharlia's POV-

"Take a deep breath, Khar. You're going to tell Neo today. Its his right to know. You are his mate, after all." I muttered to myself, as I sat up from bed. It was that morning. Three years ago today, Neo and I found each other. It was this day that I found my now three year old son, Ashton.

As if he knew what I was thinking, little Ashton came running in the room, a grin on his little face. He looked just like me, even though I'm not his biological mother. He doesn't know that, though.

"Mommy mommy!" He whispered, stopping at my side of the bed. Neo always woke up before me, because of his job as Alpha. I looked at the clock. It was eight AM. Neo's probably been up since six.

"Yes Ashy boy?" I asked him, pulling him onto the bed. He smiled at me, his gray eyes lit up.

"Ash Blu two." Ash said. He always referred to himself in third person.

I shook my head with a laugh.

"No baby boy, you're three. Ash Blu three." I told him, tickling his tummy.

He laughed, trying to stop me.

"Stop mommy! Stop! Ash Blu three!" Ash said.

I smiled, and stopped tickling him. Ashton is just the cutest thing.

"Mommy has to get dressed. Why don't you go downstairs, and ask Uncle Erik for some toast?" I told Ashton. He nodded, running out of the room. I sighed. I loved Ashton, just like I loved Neo.

You gotta tell him, Khar. My wolf, Pepper scolded.

I know, I gotta get food first though. I'm DYING from starvation. I told her.

She yipped, but remained quiet. I threw on a black tee shirt, plaid short skirt, fishnet leggings, and a checkered tie. I looked in the mirror. I had gotten Lasik eye surgery two years ago, so I had said goodbye to my nerd glasses. I now had a few random pink, green, and black streaks in my hair, which I loved. I threw on a pair of red converse, before walking downstairs. I fixed a bowl of cereal for Ashton, allowing him chocolate milk, only because it was his birthday. I then kissed Ashton's forehead, and went looking for Neo.

I found him in his office, making a phone call. He saw me, smiling, before going back to his call.

"Yes, yes...I'll see you then." Neo said, before ending the phone call.

I closed the door, turning to him. He got up, walking to me, and pecking my lips.

"G'morning babe." He said against my lips.

I pulled away, looking him in the eyes.

"There's something I need to tell you." I told him.

Neo paled. "You're not cheating on me, are you?"

I laughed. "No. I don't understand how you could even think that."

Neo sighed. "Its worse than cheating, isn't it."

Neo sat on the couch, looking at the floor.

"Go ahead, tell me." He sighed.

"...I'm pregnant." I said, after a moment of hesitation.

I haven't seen Neo bolt as fast to me as he did then. He had a big grin on his face, his expression elated. He pulled me in for a hug, resting his forehead on mine.

"Oh babe, that's wonderful! How...How far along are you?" He asked me.

I sighed, pecking his lips. "I'm glad you're okay with it. And....I believe I'm at 17 weeks. I scheduled the ultrasound already. I was afraid to tell you."

Neo grinned. "I bet you Ashton will be happy to have a sibling to play with."

I chuckled. "It would be a while before he could play with the baby. Oh, I wanna have a girl so bad, Neo."

Neo kept on grinning and grinning. When he was ready, him and I walked to the kitchen, hand in hand. Ashton was playing with Erik. Erik smiled when he saw us.

"Someone seems happy. Did something happen?" Erik asked.

Neo sat next to Ashton, who was droning on about superheroes.

"Well, seeing that Neo seems about to explode with happiness, I guess I'll have to tell you. I was going to wait until dinner to announce it." I paused. "I'm having a baby."

I'm pretty sure if Erik had of been drinking something, he would have done a spit take. He looked at me, surprised.

"How long have you known?" Erik asked.

"Since the...twelfth week, was it? I'm at 17 weeks." I told him.

Erik smiled. "I should've figured that's what it was. Either that, or you and him were getting married."

I blushed, looking down at Ashton.

"Yeah, I guess that could've happened too."

* * * *

Ever since I broke the news to Neo, I could feel the baby moving around. I guess that the baby was happy. I strained my ears. And then I heard the tiny thumping of the baby's heart. Three words came to mind at the sound.

Its a girl. I thought.

I sighed, raiding the fridge yet again. I was constantly hungry, because of this baby. But the weird thing is, I didn't put on that much weight from the baby. I just had a tiny baby bump. I looked to Neo, who had Ashton on his lap. He looked to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before...The pack we're taking over is Blood Pack." He blurted.

I did a spit take of my root beer, and began coughing a sputtering. Blood Pack. The pack I tried running from. Now I'm fucking joining them again!

I gasped for air after my coughing fit. Neo looked worried.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said, frustrated. "I ran from them for a reason, Neo."

Neo looked pained. "Don't be mad.You're their Luna now. They can't hurt you."

I nodded, holding back tears. I walked to Ashton and Neo, picking Ashton up.

"What wrong, mommy?" Ashton asked, winding his hands in my hair.

"Nothing Ashy boy. You don't need to worry." I told him, kissing his forehead.

"Is it bad people from your old pack?" Ashton asked.

I nodded.

"No worry, mommy, Ashton beat them up for you." Ashton said cheerfully. "No one messes with my mommy."

I laughed, and soon, Neo joined in. Look out Blood Pack. Ashton's after you.

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