Matthew Henderson

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"So what's the plan? I need to know what's going on in your head in order to help you Bella".
"There is only one thing I can do Ash and that's let Matt go".
"What happened between you too? You guys were goal couple from Colorado State University. Everyone wanted to have your guy's type of relationship".
"Don't remind me Ash, I know".
"Matt is a wonderful guy he's nice, cute, and understanding". "But maybe our relationship was too much for him".
I met Matt in my science class and he was a smart and funny guy. We got paired up as lab partners for our microbiology class. We started talking about bacteria and then we started asking personal questions and getting to know each other. After a couple of months of talking he asked me out on a date. He took me to this beautiful restaurant that had a 20 foot waterfall inside and it looked like we had traveled across the ocean and were in an Italian scenery. The food wasn't great but the scenery and the entertainment made up for it. It was also the place where he gave me my first kiss. It was a gentle soft kiss that will forever be  engraved as the most loving kiss I have ever had.
At the beginning of our relationship we went everywhere, arcades, amusement parks, restaurants, hiking, river rafting and much more. I saw the world through his eyes and fell deeply in love with him. I put everything even my obsession aside for him.
When I first told Ash about our relationship all she did was gush about us. Her words were always I wish I could find a guy like Matt, you're so lucky! Indeed I was lucky to have such a beautiful soul next to me.
I even introduced him to my mom. The first thing she did was warn him that when I liked something I would turn it into an obsession. Ain't that the truth.
Matt was loved by everyone. There was not one bad thing that I could say about Matt. Matt even accepted me and my obsession. I took him for the first time to my room and
Bak Hyeong Jun was plastered all over my bedroom walls. I have music videos, CD's posters that I've won on auctions, stuffed animals that resembled Bak Hyeong Jun. Anything and everything that has to do with Bak Hyeong jun I have it.
His reaction to my obsession was priceless. Yeah at first he wasn't concerned he was curious with my obsession so I let him in.
Soon after both of us started watching his music videos he even learned my favorite song from him. Matt was truly my soul mate.
Until he got tired of my obsession and we had an argument about it.
"Bella you're letting Hyeong jun control your life". All you do is talk about him. You don't even want to hang out or come over because you're obsessed with this bastard. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm jealous of  a guy who is just overly idolized. He's a celebrity Bella you both live in different worlds. For God's sake he lives across the world from you, you can't even go in person to his concerts". I'm sorry Bella but this has to stop now!
Matt grabbed all my precious custom posters that took hours to create and ripped them to pieces. I was ready to give up Hyeong Jun for Matt but something in me broke as I saw Matt rip Hyeong Jun to pieces.
I launched at Matt and grabbed all the torn pieces and yelled
He looked startled and he just stared at me and  he just wasn't moving fast enough for me so I pushed him out of my room. The last thing I saw was a hurt facial expression on Matt's face and Bella come out of his sweet, soft lips as I slammed my bedroom door on his face.
I cried for what seemed like ages. I loved Matt because I believed he loved me for me. But I was wrong it was all an illusion. The only person I had was Hyeong Jun.
This happened a week ago and ever since that day I haven't talked to him. He called me multiple times and txt me hundreds of messages. But I never opened them.
I didn't hate Matt but I felt like I created Matt to be someone he wasn't. Now I'm suffering the consequences.
"Earth to Bella".
"Sorry Ash I was in memory lane".
"See I knew you cared. You can't pretend not to be when I knew your relationship better than anyone else"
Ash  if only I could tell you I only allowed you to see what I wanted to share with you. Ugh I'm a horrible friend too.
I already let someone in and it backfired on me. I can't lose my best friend.
Ash pushed the gym doors open. All I heard was a girl giggling. I turned to see Ash's expression and all I saw was pity.
Please Ash don't feel sorry for me. I deserve it.
We walked towards the sound of giggling and there he was my Matt. All I saw was Matt's back and what seemed like he was entrapping a girl between the gym wall and his body.

My heart was pounding furiously and I felt sick to my stomach. I felt guilty sad and angry. The next thing I hear is Ash.
"Hey asshole"!!!
Matt turned so fast and looked like he was just caught grabbing cookies from a jar.
"Ash! Bella! What are you doing here"?
"Looking for you" said ash
"I've been texting you Bella why haven't you answered my text messages or calls"
"Seriously Matt are you just going to act like we didn't caught you with this b*itch"? Said Ash
I noticed Matt was shielding the girl and I still hadn't seen her face but her style of clothing and shape of her body seemed familiar.
"Look guys this is a misunderstanding i'll clear it up".
Matt who are you hiding? Matt and Ash turned to me as soon as I spoked.
Um? Uhhhhm!
I didn't let him finished I got in Matt's face my 5 foot 3 inches did not compare to Matt's 5 foot 8 inches but I tried to push him to a side but he didn't want to budge. I looked at him questioningly and raised my eyebrow.
"Look either you show me who the girl is the easy way or I'll make it the hard way"
Matt closed his eyes took a deep breath and moved aside.
Ash and me in unison said

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