Broken Friendship

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What the hell Madison!? Ash yelled.

I was shocked, my best friend was using the words that were being said in my head but could not come out of my mouth.

I've know Madison since freshman year in high school and have thought of her as one of my closest friends. Seeing her with Matt crushed the feeling of friendship I ever had for both of them. I know I'm contradicting myself but I still felt something for Matt.

"I can explain everything". Just give me a chance.
"Yeah I think we can understand what's going on without you explaining it. You're such an asshole Matt"

"Ash it's ok don't even bother".
"I'm the asshole?! You don't even know Bella as well as I do".
I turned and faced Matt and silently pleaded with him to please don't say anything.
"Matt I've known Bella longer than you have. You have nothing on Bella that I already don't know".
"You guys please stop! Let's go ash"!
Ash have you ever been to Bella's room?
Ash stood quiet for a moment.
"No because her mom doesn't like people in her room".
Are you sure about that Ash?!
Matt and Ash turned to look at me.
"Please stop you've already done and said enough".
"What is he saying Bella? Did Matt go in your room"?

"Ash I'll explain it to you later I promise. Just not in front of him or Madison".

"Matt is right I've never been in Bellas's room either".
I turned to Madison and gave her a death stare.

"Shut up Madison you of all people have no right to say anything right now".
"As a matter of fact I do Bella. Matt is actually doing this because —————".
Matt flung his hand and covered Madison's mouth before she could reveal what Matt was up to. Now I am curious.

"Let her talk Matt".
"No if you want to hear the end to that statement then you're going to have to give me your time to explain".

Something is up. I can't pinpoint it but Matt is up to something and I know I'm not going to like the end of it. But I'm tired of this.

"Bella you know you don't have to"
"I know Ash, I'll just hear him out. I need to talk to him anyways".

"Bella if you need me let me know. I'm taking the wench with me".

I just nodded and saw as they walked out of the gym leaving me with Matt. As soon as they stepped out I felt the temperature shift. It felt a lot colder than when Ash was in here. I have a very bad feeling about this.
I turned around and saw a very cynical facial expression on Matt. It made me nervous.

"Sss start explaining Matt".

"What's the matter Bella feeling a little nervous"?

He said as he chuckled. Oh God this isn't going to end well.
"Nno Im fine. What's wrong with you"? You are not acting like yourself".
"That's because you made me this way Bella".
"All I ever did for you was show you kindness, love and affection. While all you did was talk about that Korean bastard". "Did you ever love me Bella"?

I've never felt so afraid for my life. I instantly started backing away from Matt. But I wasn't going to let him do all the talking. I had to say something.

"Mmatt you know very well......"
Matt cut me off by placing a finger on my lips.
"Shhhh Bella. Don't let the lies spill out of your beautiful lips".
"But Im not....."
I flinched and backed away hitting the wall of the gym. Matt trapped me between his arms and got in my face and I tried to look away.

"Look at me Bella"
I turned my head and saw his beautiful eyes and perfectly sculpted lips and nose. What have I done? Why has someone so gentle turned this way. This is all my fault, I destroyed him.

"Matt, I'm sorr....
"No one asked you for an apology"
"Bella, look at what you have created. You created a monster in me. All because of your stupid obsession".
What are you going to do about it?
I stared blankly at him. I don't know what I should do.

"Let me tell you what you are going to do to make this up for me"
I swallowed very audibly. I'm pretty sure if there were people around they would have heard it.

"Listen very closely and pay attention."
"This whole thing with Madison, I set it up. "You didn't answer my phone calls and you didn't answer my text messages. So what better way to get your attention than spreading a rumor of me cheating on you. I knew the message would get to you and then you would come looking for me. Too bad for you it was a trap".

I was trying to take in what he was telling me but I'm having a hard time understanding why he did all of this. This isn't making any sense. I'm just me. How can I be so important to someone that they would completely change into this scheming psychotic person. Im not rich on the contrary I owe a lot of money because of my schooling. So what is it?

"Matt, why"?
" Because I love you Bella and you don't". "Before I came to CSU, I had girls left and right. I never got denied. They all loved me but I didn't love them". "But then I met you, your beautiful big amber eyes with pitch black hair and soft light skin. Your perfect tight body that I've been craving since I met you". Everything about you calls to me except for your obsession. I can't compete with your fictional love. "Do you know how that feels"? To loose to someone who isn't even physically trying to get your girls friends attention. It's a blow to my ego, and self-esteem. I know I'm better than him I just have to make you see it too"

His words make sense. How can I make him feel less just because of my obsession. I'm wrong he's right. But this isn't the right way to do it. I can't be forced to care and love. I loved him but this side of him evaporated what ever feelings I had for him. I'm more afraid at the moment.
"You're going to tell Ash that this whole thing was a misunderstanding. I did this to grab your attention. From here on out we will be together. You will forget about Bak Hyeong Jun and you will never speak about him or look for him. His existence in your life ends today".

This guy is crazy if he thinks I'm going to comply. There is no one nor nothing he can say or do to stop me from being Bak Hyeong jun fan.
"If you don't do as I say. I will make sure everyone knows who Rosabella Polsini truly is".

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