Tightened bonds

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This day cannot go any slower. Today is the day that I finally free myself from Matt. I'm positive that Kathia will shine some light on Matt's past with Jamie.

I call Ash over to my house and decide that today I will tell my best friend my secret. My mom calls me down to tell me that Ash has arrived. I go down and greet her at the door and take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Ash will either walk out of here accepting me for who I truly am or she'll think I'm a weirdo and never speak to me again.
"Hey Bella. I've been so worried about you. When you called me yesterday you sounded very anxious".
I look at my friend tears wanting to pool in my eyes. But I don't let them. I  don't want to loose her but this is in a way a test of our friendship.
"Bella please. Stop holding it in and just tell me what's going on?
I grab Ash by her arm and walk her to my bedroom door. This is it there's no way back.
"Ash today I want to show you who Rosabella truly is. I'm sorry for keeping a secret from you. But I didn't want to loose you."
"Is your secret as bad as you make it sound". Plus regardless of what's behind these doors you'll always be my friend".

Ash is right hearing her say that gave me the confidence I needed. I nodded at Ash confirming that I was ready. I grabbed the door knob and opened my door as we were both blinded by the sun coming through my bedroom window.
Ash moved forward and I let arm go. She looked from wall to wall, shelf upon shelf. There was no expression on her face and there were no words coming out from her mouth.

The suspense was surreal. So many questions were going through my head. That I started to breath a little faster as seconds ticked away. Was this a mistake? Should I just ask her to leave and bring her another day? I don't think I'm ready for her answer.

I stared at Ash's back trying to figure out a way to turn invisible but then Ash spoke.
"Bella" she whispered.
"I've known you since  elementary. That is a very long time of friendship and this.... she expanded her arms and twirled is ridiculous".

She turned and faced my shocked face and I saw a furious face. I've lost my best friend.
Ash walked toward me and smacked my arm so hard that I yelped at the sudden contact.

"Bella how can you be so dumb. Do you honestly think this handsome guy plastered all over your wall would make me mad or make me think differently about you ".

My ears aren't working I swear I just heard wrong. She doesn't hate me or dislike me? I'm not weird?

My chest started to fill with pressure and my eyes started to sting. I finally did it. I told my best friend and she doesn't hate me. I felt so relieved the weight off of my shoulders instantly melted off freeing me from my insecurities.

I reached over to Ash and pulled her into one of the tightest hugs I have ever given to anyone. I let the tears fall for a few minutes. I thanked my best friend for accepting me and my obsession. But I quickly composed myself because the next thing I tell Ash is what's going set her off.

"Thank you Ash for being a true friend. I always felt different from you and Madison because of Bak Hyeong Jun". "But now that you know I feel relieved".

"You're so silly Bella. But honestly who is he? He's gorgeous".

I couldn't help but laugh she joined and we laughed for several minutes letting go of our past and connecting our friendship on a whole other level.

"I'll tell you more about Hyeong Jun later now I have to tell you the big problem I am in because of this gorgeous man".

I told ash about everything that happened between me and Matt. From the argument we had to him threatening me, to meeting Kathia and learning about Jamie.

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