Good Riddance

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He gave the keys to his car to Kathia and Matt took my keys from my car. I smiled and gave a hug to Kathia as I said my goodbyes I then told her "this is your chance to go site seeing". I winked and she giggled.

Matt grabbed my hand and put it in the nook of his elbow. If only my hand can turn into fire I would have already incinerated him.

I notice Kathia leave in Matt's car as we reach mine. I purposely drop my wallet on the floor and Matt bends over to pick it up as I pick pocket his wallet and phone and shove them in my bra.

He hands me my wallet and I tell him that I'm feeling better and I would like to take him to one of my favorite places. He smiles and agrees. Here in Colorado they have a place that is called look out mountain. It's in the mountains and looks out to the sparking lights of downtown Denver.
I drive ourselves to look out mountain where I am sure Matt thinks I am going to be ready for stage three of our fake relationship, sex. As I drive three hours to get there I notice that the lot is empty. How perfect, my plan is turning out way better than I thought. Matt sees where I've driven us to and puts on a huge grin on his face and turns to see me put a huge grin on my face.
"I didn't know we were coming here or else I would have prepared myself".

"Don't worry Matt there is nothing you need".

"Ok you're the one who said it not me". He reached over to grab the back of my head and pulled me towards him. I allowed him to kiss me as this was the last time he would ever touch me. As our lips touched I opened my mouth and snapped my teeth close on his lower lip until I could taste blood. He pulled away and started to yell at me.
"What the f*ck Bella"?

I answered him by smaking his arms with all my strength and then smacking turned into punching and then kicking.
" what the hell is wrong with you"? Matt yelled as he tried blocking my blows.

"I hate you with all my being". You don't deserve to love anyone". You only care about yourself and don't give a damn about others I screamed at him .
I repeated exactly what Jamie had told him long ago.
I continued by telling him that I had been curious about him and looked him up and I found out about his secret. His eyes grew bigger and bigger as I continued to tell him that I found out about Jamie and I lied and told him there was a letter in one of the links that tells a story about two lovers that Jamie wrote about. And my interpretation of the two lovers and how it resembled my situation. Angry tears rolled down from my cheeks. These were not only mine but Jamie's as well.

As I finished telling him he had somehow grabbed both of my wrists. At the end of the day I wasn't strong enough to get not even one proper hit on his face. He whispered something inaudible so I said speak up.

Then it was his turn to get angry. He looked frightening compared to him I looked like a kitten next to a fire breathing dragon.

" What do you know about my relationship with Jamie he spat on my face. You weren't there so stop assuming sh*it you don't even understand. Open your eyes to reality Bella the world doesn't revolve around you". "This is why you're such a looser you can't even open up to your best friend your not a true friend you don't deserve Ash or Madison".

He hit a soft spot. When it comes to judging my relationship with my friends I tend to get really touchy.

"Don't involve my friends with your illusional problems". "Jamie gave her best to love you and you can't even see that". By telling me you never loved anyone while you were in Ohio tells me you didn't give a rats ass about Jamie".

"You're right I didn't love Jamie because she was obsessively in love with music. She was like you and your stupid obsession. I made a mistake once by letting Jamie go but that won't happen again. He launched at me pulling and ripping one of my sleeves. Oh god this isn't happening right now. There's no way Matt would do this. I shoved and pushed and him. He felt like an oversized sack of sand. I couldn't move him. He started to kiss and lick my neck. I become desperate to move away from him but I couldn't. I reached out to find something anything. I found my shoe and gripped it as hard as I can and started whacking him with it.
He let go and backed off he tried grabbing my arm and taking my shoe away. I got the chance and bit his shoulder. He howled in pain and grabbed my hair and yanked my head away.

He started to laugh and said "Oh you like it rough then rough you shall have it".
The hell I was, I managed to kick his nuts and I reached the glove compartment as he tried to breath the pain away. I grabbed my taser that I bought long ago in case I was ever in this type of situation. I aimed it at him and that's when all his testosterone fled his system.

"No wait Bella I'm sorry I didn't mean it". I promise I don't know what came over me". "Please let's just talk about this".

"I'm done talking Matt. I don't want to see you around me ever again. Leave me and my friends the hell alone" I yelled.

His voice shook and responded

"Ok Bella I promise". "Please don't tase me"

"Get out of the car now"

He had his hands up as he reached for the door and unlocked the door he slowly got out while facing me. Once he was out of the car I shouted to him

"Matt this is for Jamie and for what you just tried to do to me "

I aimed at his nuts and tased him. Serves him right greedy bastard. He screamed out in pain as his body spasm. I right away started the engine and drove down the mountain with the passenger side door open. As soon as I reached the bottom about two miles down I got off closed the door and called Ash.

Ash answered on the second ring.

"Bella where the hell are you. I've been so worried. I'm outside the police station ready to fill out a missing person form".

"Thank God you're ok Ash. I was worried about you too but I had to finish things with Matt".

I tell Ash in great detail what I just went through. She cried along with me. She even fought with me on getting a restraining order on him. I think I dealt with it. I was confident Matt wouldn't be showing his face near me or my friends anytime soon. I checked my bra to make sure I still had his items and miraculously Matt's wallet and phone were still there. I stopped at a small creak and threw Matt's phone and wallet in the stream. I saw the items go down the stream and thought of Jamie being freed. I looked up at the night sky and saw a shooting star zip by.

"You're welcome Jamie ".

Jamie is free and so am I. Time to go live a life I love with the people I love.

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