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I've been third wheeling for these couple of days. I think Ash feels sorry for me since I've been by myself for a couple of months. I'm actually feeling good. I don't have the burdens that accompany relationships. I don't have to check up on anyone now it's just me and my mom. Two single ladies living the life.

I get home after having a satisfying lunch with Ash. Most of our conversation was about how she adored Jake her boyfriend. The places he's taken her and how she promises to take me to those places whenever she has time. We talked about Madison and how Ash still talks to her once in awhile. I told her the incident about what happened when I went grocery shopping with my mom. Ash got super excited saying that maybe it wasn't a scam that this might be my lucky break. I shook my head but it would be quite nice to have such a fortunate turn of events.

I grab the stack of mail from the mailbox and walk inside my house. I greet my mom and put the mail on my kitchen counter. I go in to my room boot up my computer and start browsing. Hyeong Jun's concert is in 5 days I'm so excited to see it on live tv. Hopefully I can screenshot some good pictures and create posters to sell and keep. I think I can make some good money this summer doing that.

I stretch my stiff joints and a satisfying pop follows. I can move now. I look around my room and the sun has already set. Wow how long was I on the computer.

"Bella dinner's ready" mom yells.

My stomach growls, just in time.
I walk down stairs and help my mom serve and fill cups with lemonade. I sit on the table ready to eat when my mom comes over with my mail and hands them to me.

" Trash , trash, trash I say as I go through the mail". Then I noticed a letter that came from a ticketing center in California. I opened it and a ticket with a letter fell out".

As I read the letter my eyes expanded and I grabbed the ticket to confirm.

"Oh my gosh! No freaking way!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I started screaming and jumping up and down.

"Bella calm down the whole neighborhood is going to think you're a lunatic" my mom tried to calm me down.

"Mom omg Mom it wasn't fake it was real oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening".

"What are you talking about. Sit down and calm down".

I couldn't calm down this was the best day of my life. I think I'm hyperventilating. I may just pass out. No! I can't pass out because if this is a dream I don't want to wake up. Don't pass out Bella.

Im too excited to eat I run back to my room leaving my mom in the kitchen.

"Bella!!" my mom yelled.

I grab my laptop and run back down stairs. I am winded by now and I show my mom that a couple of days ago I entered a competition that I thought was fake but I still did it anyways. Supposedly I had won a ticket to Hyeong Jun concert. Well apparently it wasn't a scam but in fact I did win a ticket and this letter confirms it. I won a concert ticket to my Hyeong Jun concert in South Korea!!!

"Bella are you sure this ticket is real what if they're just really good scammers or what if they are human traffickers".

Typical way to burst someone's bubble. My mom is super overprotective of me and I've never left my mom so it is no wonder why she's afraid. But I'm an adult and I won a ticket to go see Hyeon Jun omg!!!!!

"Mom i don't think it's a scam I really think I won". " If you're so worried let's call tomorrow morning to the number that they have on here and see if it's true ". I'll go and research this company".

My mom agreed and I started researching. It isn't the first time they've done competitions. There are a lot of fans who've won tickets to concerts, red carpet events, trips, cruises, gift card, and much more. If this was a scam well they're good.
"Mom I think this is legitimate. If you confirm tomorrow that it is not a scam can I please go please".

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