Bak Hyeong Jun

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Today is the day that I get to see the love of my life Bak Hyeong Jun. I am super excited that I am unable to function. My attention is scattered in a million directions. I try to calm down but I just can't.
My phone starts ringing and I see that my mom is calling. Hopefully she can help me calm down.

"Good morning mom." I say excitedly.

"Hey sweetie. Well aren't you super excited". She laughs

"Oh how can you tell" I say sarcastically
"Mom I can't calm down I'm so excited yet I'm super nervous to meet Bak Hyeong Jun". I whine

"Take deep breaths Bella. This is your moment and nothing or no one can take that away from you. There's a reason why you won those tickets and I can think of a reason. You've worked hard in your schooling, you're a good daughter. If anyone is more deserving it is you".

My mom had me in tears so early in the morning. But honestly I did work hard but my mom worked harder.

"I wish you were here with me mom. If I deserve this you deserve it ten times more".

"Sweetie I'm not as young as you are to be traveling but when you get back you can treat me to whatever you like".

"Sure thing mom, thanks for making me feel special. I love you and I'll talk to you later."

I hang up and decide to eat breakfast and then take a taxi to see where the concert will be at. As I arrive to the hall where Bak Hyeong Jun is I see a lot of people camping outside the building.

Poor Hyeong Jun even when he's not performing he has an audience. I'm no different though because I really want to meet him hence why I am here. I notice a wooded area across the building.

It would be nice to take a walk before I go home and get ready. I enter a trail where many people were walking around some people were exercising while others were picnicking in the grass. I started walking and enjoying the rays of the sun. The wind blew my hair to my face. I moved my hair to the back of my ear when I noticed a man with a black mask sitting on a bench looking at a small pond.

I wondered if it might be Joona. I start walking towards him when I here branches cracking behind me I turned to see what it was and suddenly a guy in a black suit jumps at me.

I screamed as he tried to pull my arm remembering my moms words about human trafficking. I panicked and all reasoning left me. I swung my purse at him and kicked his shin. I tried to pry his fingers from my arm but he was too strong. I tried to bite his arm and succeeded, he grunted and released my arm. I was ready to pounce on this guy when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly thought, of course there's more than one. I quickly turned around ready to punch the person behind me.

I halted my hand before it came in contact with the persons face, it's the body guard from the airport. Relief took over me as I recognized his face. I quickly told him that the guy was a human trafficker and was trying to kidnap me.

Instead of pouncing on him he looked at me and started to laugh.
"Why are you laughing he just attacked me". I whined.

"I'm sorry miss, he's no human trafficker he's with me", he was still laughing.

I felt my face and ears heat up. This is so embarrassing.

"Why did he attack me then?" I asked

"Because he was doing his job Bella" a deep seductive familiar voice came from behind me. I turned to see who it was and it was the masked man that was sitting on the bench. My face lit up instantly.

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