Chapter X: Take What You Want (Lemon)

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Returning to Salem's hideout with Cinder, carrying Amber's corpse in tow, the two of you entered the throne room where Salem, Hazel, Tyrian, and Watts had already assembled. Walking along the length of the table, you took your place on Salem's right with Cinder right next to you.

"So, were you successful in your mission?" Salem asks. In response, Cinder makes her eyes glow and summoned a small ball of fire in her right hand. "Good." Salem smiles. "Very good."

"There were some... complications." You announce.

"I see." Salem says, smile falling from her face. "Did you have to intervene at some point (F/N)?"

You nod. Watts laughs. "I knew we shouldn't have left this task to Cinder alone."

"Careful doctor." Cinder scowls. "I won't tolerate your insolence any longer."

"Ah yes." Watts chuckles. "Seems that your new-found power has given you a false sense of importance. Tell me, do you really think that..."

"Enough." Salem commands. She then turns to look at you. "What complications?"

"A huntsman." You respond. "Obviously tasked with protecting the Fall Maiden. He got in the way."

"And were you familiar with this huntsman?" Salem inquires. You scowl and nod. "Tell me, where is he now?"

"Gone." You seethe. "He escaped death by a mere inch."

"Unfortunate." Salem says thoughtfully. "It seems Ozpin's watchful gaze has extended further than I anticipated. And what of the girl?"

You open a portal in the shadows hiding in the ceiling. Amber's corpse falls from the sky and onto the table with a sickening crunch. Watts jumps in his seat and Hazel wrinkles his nose in disgust. Tyrian however, begins laughing maniacally.

"That will be all." Salem says, dismissing the group. Tyrian leaps from his seat and makes his way to the door on all fours. Hazel and Watts follow at a slower pace. Sinking into the shadows, you travel throughout the castle and towards your quarters.

Time Skip:

You're sitting in your room when you hear a knock on the door. You furrow your brow and ignore the request to enter. Several seconds later the knocking resumes. Again, you ignore them. Instead of knocking a third time, the door simply opens and Cinder strides in.

"You know it's rude to keep a girl waiting." She says playfully.

"What do you want Cinder?" You ask.

"I'm bored." She says simply. "I thought you might make for a good form of entertainment."

"Get to the point." You say irritably.

"Fine." She scowls, upset that you're not playing along. "Simply put, I have the power I've craved for so long. But even now that I have it, I have no idea how to control it."

"And you want my help harnessing your power?"

"Who better to help me than you?" She says. "After all, you know what it's like to have power but have no knowledge of how to control it. You know how frustrating it is. How it claws at your mind, knowing you could be so much more if you only knew how."

"Salem is the one who taught me to access my full potential." You tell her. "Why don't you ask her?"

"I suppose that's true." She agrees. "But why have her teach me when I could have you instead?"

"But it's like you said, isn't it?" You say. "The weak serve the strong, not the other way around. And right now, I hold all the power. So, tell me, why should I help you?"

Reader x Cinder Fall x Summer Rose / The One You Feed: A RWBY FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now