(Cinder Ending) Chapter XVII: Clash

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"Cinder." Salem says, eyeing the young girl who tries to hide behind Cinder's dress. "Explain. What is the meaning of this?"

"You tasked (F/N) and I with locating the Spring Maiden. You left it up to our disclosure how to deal with her."

"And you thought bringing the girl here was a wise decision?" Watts asks.

"Yes." Cinder nods, glaring at Watts. "I did. I believe the girl will prove useful to us. All she needs is a little time to adjust."

"Or," Tyrian says, "you could kill her now and take her power. Save us all some time."

Lilith holds tightly onto Cinder's leg as Tyrian begins laughing madly.

"That is out of the question." Cinder says aggressively, placing her hand on the little girl's shoulder.

"What's done is done." Salem says. "The girl has been brought here. Cinder, she is in your care now. Teach her to harness her power, bring her over to our side. If you fail to do so, I'm afraid I will have no choice but to agree with Tyrian."

Cinder nods. "Come along Lilith." She says. Taking Lilith's hand, Cinder makes to exit the throne room. Before doing so however, she stops behind your chair, placing her free hand on your shoulder. "I'll be waiting for you in your room." She whispers before leading Lilith out of the room. Once the doors close behind them, all eyes are on you.

"An interesting development." Salem says to no one in particular. "Tell me (F/N), how do you feel about the girl's presence."

You respond with a noncommitted tilt of your head.

"Hmm, yes. And aside from Cinder's sudden bout of maternalism, were there any other complications?"

"Unfortunately, there were." You nod. "If I had to guess, Ozpin has been informed that we have the Spring Maiden."

"Huntsmen, I take it?" Salem asks. You avert your gaze. "More than that, your old team."

"Again?" Hazel asks. "This seems to have become a common occurrence."

"Maybe he requires help dispatching of them." Tyrian suggests, bouncing eagerly on the balls of his feet.

"Or perhaps he needs to be reminded where his true loyalties lie." Watts says darkly. "This isn't the first time he's failed to deal with Team STRQ. I'm beginning to think he is incapable of turning against his old friends."

"No." Salem interrupts. "I can see it in his eyes, his conviction."

You look up to see Salem gazing at you. You determinedly stare back.

"Team STRQ will not pose a threat for much longer." Salem assures. "(F/N) will make sure of that, won't you?"

You nod.

"With their deaths you will finally unleash your power to its fullest extent. With proper training, you may one day find yourself almost on my level." Directing her attention to the rest of the group, she continues, "We are now one step closer to achieving our goals. Only two maidens remain before we can..."

"Why wait?" You ask suddenly.

"Excuse me?" Salem asks darkly.

"Why wait?" You repeat. "We have the power of two of the maidens already, we don't need to wait for the other two. Finding the other two maidens could take years, but with our combined strength, we could easily overthrow Beacon and Haven and take their relics. With the power of knowledge and choice the rest of Remnant would fall quickly."

"As much as I hate to agree with (F/N)," Watts says, "he isn't wrong. Taking the academies would be a simple matter at this point. What say you Tyrian?"

"I think (F/N) should be skinned alive for dare interrupting my mistress." Tyrian hisses, glaring daggers at (F/N).

"Right." Watts says, his nose wrinkling. "And Hazel?"

"I have no preference, so long as Ozpin suffers." Hazel answers uninterestedly, leaning back in his seat.

"I can speak for Cinder when I say she would have no objection acting now." You say.

"I see." Watts nods. "It seems most of us," he glares at Tyrian, "are in agreement."

"It's settled then..." You begin.

"It is not settled." Salem says loudly. "We will wait until we have secured the Winter and Summer maidens before proceeding, as initially planned. Acting now would only serve to alert the Kingdom's of our presence, foregoing us the advantage of working from the shadows."

"We don't need to work from the shadows." You start to say but are quickly silenced by Salem once more.

"Enough!" She says, rising to her feet. "Tyrian, you are to continue your search for the remaining two maidens. Watts, I have arranged a meeting between you and the headmaster of Haven Academy. Hazel, you are to accompany the doctor to Mistral where you will begin negotiations with the White Fang. Do I make myself clear?"

The three nod before Salem dismisses them. As the door closes behind them, she shifts her gaze back to you, her red eyes burning.

"It seems your conviction has come with a false sense of superiority." She says calmly, settling back down into her throne. "Though I am pleased that you have found your resolve, make no mistake, I am in charge. If you ever forget that again, I may be forced to remind you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am." You say through gritted teeth.

"Good." She says, leaning back in her throne. "Now I suggest you return to your quarters. It would be rude to keep young Cinder waiting."

You returned to your room to find Cinder lying naked on your bed, awaiting your return. Lilith had fallen asleep in the room two doors down. Entering the room, Cinder hopped of the bed and walked towards you, her hips swaying seductively with every step. She tried to kiss you, but you weren't in the mood. Your discussion with Salem had left your blood boiling. Seething with anger, you confided your feelings in Cinder. Rubbing your shoulders, she whispered words of encouragement in your ear. As she rubbed her hands along your back, you realized Salem had grown far too complacent. Sitting in a throne for the past few millennia, she had lost her edge. Perhaps it was time for someone new to take charge.

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