(Summer Ending) Chapter XVII: Just You

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Third Person POV:

"I heard what you said, it's just... how can we be sure?"

Team STRQ stands a few feet away from (F/N), huddled in a circle. Summer has spent the past few minutes explaining what just occurred; how (F/N) became engulfed in light and how he returned to his old self and defeated Cinder. Needless to say, her teammates were having a difficult time understanding what she was saying.

"I mean, we don't see him for years, and the first time we do, it's because he's trying to kill us. And I did mention our little run in a few months before that, right?"

"I know Qrow, but I promise he's changed." Summer pleads. "It's (F/N), the same (F/N) we knew back at Beacon."

"Is he?" Raven asks. "What proof do you have? According to you he 'changed' a grand total of thirty minutes ago."

"I know how it sounds, okay. Believe me, I know. But I swear he's back to normal. I can see it in his eyes."

"Oh, you didn't tell me you could see it in his eyes." Qrow says sarcastically, reaching for his flask. "If his eyes are normal than he must be fine. Let's throw a party."

Summer shoots Qrow a dirty glare. "Tai?" She asks, hoping he might provide some back up.

"Yeah, you've been unusually quiet." Qrow nods. "What do you think?"

"I uh, I don't know." He says. He turns and looks over his shoulder at (F/N) who's sitting in the street with his back against a house. "I really want to believe that what you're telling me is true, but, look around. He did this."

"Tai, he's your best friend." Summer says quietly. "Doesn't he at least deserve the benefit of the doubt?"

"I don't know Summer." Tai says. "I just, I don't know."

"Come on guys." Summer pleads. "If it were one of us in (F/N)'s position, he'd forgive us without a second's hesitation."

"Do you really believe that?" Raven asks.

"Yes." Summer says determinedly. "Yes, I do."

"You know, I might have believed that before he tried to kill us all." Qrow says.

Summer looks to each of her friends in turn. Raven and Qrow are obviously unconvinced. Tai looks unsure, but she can tell he's leaning towards the other two.

"Fine." She says angrily. "I get it. You three go home and leave your friend in the darkness again, but I'm staying with (F/N)."

"Summer," Tai says sadly.

"Just go away! I was fine without your help for six years and I'll be fine now too." Turning, she takes a few steps towards (F/N) before looking over her shoulder and saying one last thing. "Maybe (F/N) was right. Maybe you didn't want him to come back."

"Summer." Tai says again, taking a step towards her.

Raven places a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "Leave it alone Tai. Let's go home."

Nodding, the three turn and walk away from Summer and (F/N).

Reader's POV:

Hearing a set of footsteps, you look up and see Summer approaching you. You hop to your feet and move to meet her.

"So?" You ask hopefully, looking over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry (F/N)." She says quietly.

"No, it's okay." You say, hanging your head. "I understand. The things I did, they're unforgivable."

"But friends are supposed to forgive the unforgivable."

"Yeah well, I haven't exactly been a friend in quite some time, have I?" You release a long sigh and turn around. "Thanks for trying Summer. I'll see you around."

"Wait!" Summer grabs your arm and swings you back around. "I'm not letting you leave me. Not again. Not after I just got you back."

"Summer, I..."

"No, shut up." She grabs both your hands in hers. "Promise me (F/N), promise me you won't leave me again."

Looking into her eyes, you see the tears start to form and slowly roll down her cheeks. A lot has changed over the last few years, but one thing will always remain the same; you could never deny Summer anything.

"I promise."

Time Skip:

Using your newfound abilities, you restored the village to its previous state before leaving with Summer. Together, the two of you took an airship back to Vale and the island of patch where she lived. Tai and Raven were just a twenty-minute walk away from her house which sat in the middle of the woods. Entering the small log cabin, Summer turned on the lights and immediately began coughing.

"Sorry." She apologizes as you enter behind her. "I haven't been here in a while."

That much was obvious. Cobwebs hung from the rafters the chandelier whose light bulbs were covered in a thick coat of dust, dimming their light substantially. The air was musty and thick with dust particles which could be seen in the light of the sun which shone through the dirty windows. Every inch of the house seemed to have a thick coating of grime and dirt, the furniture, the countertops, even the dishes. It looked like no one had lived here for years. The floors were filthy and much of the furniture had holes in it where they had been eaten away by moths and other critters.

Summer moves around the small cabin throwing open the windows in hopes of ridding the air of its musty scent. Looking around the house it dawns on you just how much you've taken from Summer. If it weren't for you, she could have had a normal life. One filled with joy and happiness, maybe even love. Instead, she wasted away years of her life searching for you. Tears start to slowly fall from your eyes as you finally realize just how much pain you had caused your friends.

"I've only got the one bed, but I can take the... couch. (F/N), what's wrong?"

"Sorry." You sniff and quickly wipe the tears from your eyes. "It's just... I'm sorry. Looking around this house, it just reminds me how much time you wasted looking for me when you should have been living your life."

"(F/N)." Summer says gently. She takes your hands and gently leads you over to the couch where the two of you sit down.

"You should have listened to the others, Summer." You say sadly, not able to meet her gaze. "You should have given up on me a long time ago. I wasn't worth all this."

"Yes, you were." Summer assures you.

"Six years, Summer. You wasted six years of your life looking for me when you should have been living. Christ, you could have had a family by now. Why didn't you just forget about me? Even now, why are you still here? How can you forgive me after everything I've done?"

She places one hand on your face and tilts your head up so you're looking at her. "Because I love you." She says. "I don't want a life without you in it. I don't want to start a family unless it's with you. I just want you."

Wrapping her arms around you, she pulls you down into a gentle embrace. As your lips meet hers, everything else fades away. With every movement of her lips she heals the scars of your past. Your hands slowly start to roam her body, trailing up and down her sides as you breathe in the scent of her. She inhales sharply as you trail kisses down her neck, sucking on her exposed skin and leaving marks.

Standing up, Summer offers you her hand. You take it. Smiling, Summer walks backwards and leads you to the bedroom.

Reader x Cinder Fall x Summer Rose / The One You Feed: A RWBY FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now