Chapter XI: Power

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Over the course of the next few months you continued to fuck Cinder whenever you so desired. Every time you did, she would encourage you to do whatever you wanted to her, and she would do her best to pleasure you to your instructions. Outside of your bedroom, you had begun helping Cinder gain control of her newfound power. Though uninterested at first, you soon found yourself intrigued with her. You wanted to see the fabled power of a maiden and were curious to know how your own abilities stacked against such legendary might. So, while you were fucking Cinder against your door, you told her that you would help her reach her true potential.

The next day you led Cinder to one of the many empty rooms in the castle, telling her that you simply wanted to see what she was already capable of. She demonstrated her abilities, summoning handfuls of fire and causing flames to spit from the ground. Her efforts were admirable at best, but she was no where near Amber's level, or yours. Stepping out of the shadows, you beckoned Cinder to follow you. Exiting the castle, the two of you step out into the nightmarish land surrounding Salem's fortress.

"What are we doing out here (F/N)?" Cinder asks.

"Not we, you." You answer. "You are going to walk out into the open and make your presence known to the Grimm. If all goes well, they should attack you."

"There's thousands of them." She protests.


"So, why would I want to draw the attention of thousands of murderous Grimm?"

"Because you want power." You say simply. "More than that you crave it. It's why you allow me to have my way with you every day and night, because you lust for strength. This is how you attain it." You say, staring out over the vast expanse of monsters that lie before you. "The weak will fall while the strong survive. Only through pain can you become strong. Only through conflict can you evolve. If you truly want power, then you must fight for it."

Cinder nods, eyes narrowing, resolve hardening. She walks out into the middle of the scarred land in full view of the Grimm. A large Alpha Beowolf is the first to notice her. You watch from the shadows as she shots a fireball at it, turning it to a pile of ash. It doesn't take long for the rest of the pack to lunge at Cinder, followed by several Ursai and Creeps. Clapping her hands together, she separates her arms, sending a large ring of fire from her body, cutting through many of the Grimm. Spinning around a swipe from an Ursa, Cinder swings her arm in an upward motion, sweeping her hand low to the ground. The land beneath her splits and spits fire towards the Ursa, incinerating it instantly. Clenching her hands into fists, fire spreading up to her elbows, she sends fireball after fireball at the approaching monsters. As a Beringel approaches from behind her, she turn and punches it straight through the chest, the giant disintegrating around her fist. Jumping back as a Beowolf lunges at her, she raises her right palm into the sky, closing it into a tight fist. Several large pillars of fire erupt from the earth, roasting the Grimm surrounding her. Smiling in her victory, she doesn't notice the Nevermores circling overhead. She barely manages to roll out of the way of the giant avian Grimm's large beak but become pinned to the ground by a hungry Beowolf. She presses her arm against its throat, keeping its sharp teeth away from her face.

Scowling, you slip into the shadows and drift towards Cinder. Surrounding the Beowolf in black smoke, you reform with your arm sticking through its head. Turning to ashes and freeing your hand, the remains of the Grimm drift away in the wind. You stand above Cinder, looking down on her with a displeased expression. Using your semblance, you mask yourself and Cinder in shadows, hiding your presence from the Grimm.

"Pathetic." You spit. "I would expect a child to perform better than you did."

Cinder scowls up at you.

"Don't act so righteous. Your performance was pitiful, and you know it. You killed Amber and claimed her power as her own, but even with such power you fail to prove your strength."

"Because I don't know how." Cinder argues. "That's why I asked you to help me. Because I don't know how to harness the power I've been given."

"Given?" You smirk. "If you were given such power then you and I are done. The strong take what they want. Isn't that right? But here you say you were given your power. Given by who, the universe? God? Do you believe that it was your destiny to inherit such power? Your only destiny is the one you make for yourself. Destiny won't give you a place in this world, you have to take it! To take what you want you must be strong. And to be strong you must have power."

"I have power!"

"Then prove it!" You snarl. "This display was not one of power. This is what true power looks like."

Throwing one hand into the sky, you summon the darkness from the depths of deep space, the power of the universe itself. The already dark skies turn pitch black as the heavens open and a black hole opens in the skies above. The Grimm are sucked into the darkness above as your black trench coat billows in the wind.

"This is power!" You shout over the chaos. "This is strength! No one is going to give you anything in life! If you want power, YOU MUST TAKE IT!"

You close the portal in the sky with the clench of your fist. You look at Cinder who is still one the ground, looking up at you in a mixture of fear and awe.

"We're finished for today." You answer. "Go to my quarters. Strip yourself and wait for me until I return."

Several weeks later and Cinder's performance has failed to improve. Everything you know about Cinder suggests that she should have drastically improved by now. Irritating as it is, you begin to feel that there's some hidden reason for her shortcomings, and you plan on confronting her about them.

One afternoon you lead her into Salem's throne room. The room is empty, and you take your place in your chair, having Cinder sit next to you. Positioning your seat so you're facing her, you sit back and cross your arms.

"Tell me Cinder." You say. "What is it you want?"

"You already know the answer to that." She says. "I want power."

"And yet in the past two months you've failed to improve. Countless hours of combat and punishment and you are no closer to unlocking your true potential. Something's holding you back. And it is my belief that your desire for power is coming into conflict with another, perhaps more alluring desire." Cinder's eyes begin to widen, and her face grows pale. "So, tell me. What is it you want."

"I...I don't..."


"I want you!" She shouts. "I...I want power, but I'm afraid what will happen to us when I have it."

You continue to scowl at Cinder. "Your lust for me is nothing more than a lust for power. What you need is incentive. A taste of what could be yours if only you would take it."

Grabbing her face, you do the same thing Salem did to you years ago. You allow a portion of your own power to pass to Cinder, flowing through her body and vitalizing her. Cinder inhales deeply and her eyes turn black, flushed with power and strength. Her veins begin to glow black and her aura multiplies tenfold. You allow her to bathe in the feeling for several minutes before taking it from her.

"Tell me Cinder, what do you want?" You snarl.

"Power." She says breathlessly. "I want the power that you have."

"And you shall have it." You assure her. "And once you do, once I know that you are strong, that I can't harm you, I will pleasure you in ways that you could never have imagined."

Cinder nods eagerly. Grabbing the collar of yourjacket, she pulls you towards her and captures your lips in a kiss. It's notrough like your kisses usually are, instead it's soft and full of passion. Yourespond by kissing back with equal passion.    

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