Chapter XV: The Spring Maiden

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Over the next few months, your relationship with Cinder evolved past the purely physical. Though neither of you ever said it, the fact was that some semblance of love had developed between the two of you over the past years. While Salem had always been aware of your relationship with Cinder, it had remained a secret to the others, until recently. While it was never directly stated by anyone that you and Cinder were together, your behaviors were enough to alert the others to your newfound relationship. Most were uninterested, though Watts took pleasure in antagonizing Cinder over it.

Though having informed Salem of the location of the Spring Maiden, she had taken no immediate action. While Watts and Tyrian's impatience were growing more and more visible with each passing day, neither of them dared question Salem's judgement. As she had explained multiple times, subduing Amber had not been accomplished without months of meticulous planning. Capturing the Spring Maiden would be no different. It had to be perfect, precise. One incorrect move and she would be lost in the wind, and the opportunity lost.

Cinder would obviously be sent to find the girl as she would be needed for the power transfer. The question was who would be sent with her. Salem was hesitant to send you, still sensing the wavering conviction in you heart. However, after seeing you and Cinder become closer, she decided it could be risked. There were still things that needed to be accounted for however, Ozpin was sure to have people watching the Spring Maiden. In the end it was agreed upon that you would accompany Cinder to the village where the Spring Maiden resided. The two of you would pose as newlyweds on your honeymoon and, when night fell, you would make your move and take the maiden's powers.

Hours Ago:

Exiting a bullhead landing in Mistral, you and Cinder strolled throughout the Kingdom, making your way to the small village. It was strange; though yours and Cinder's behavior was simply an act, you couldn't help but enjoy it. The feeling of Cinder's arms wrapped around your own, her head resting on your shoulder, it all seemed too real. Even more bizarre was how much you enjoyed it. Part of you even wished it was real, that the two of you could just be normal people, innocent and in love, without the weight of the world on your shoulders. It could never be that way though, the path you walked was far too important, the role you played far too influential.

This didn't stop you from enjoying the day though. Making your way throughout the Kingdom, you and Cinder stopped at several of the small storefronts. Cinder found great enjoyment in stealing from the local businesses. You would distract the storeowner, giving Cinder time and opportunity to pick and choose. Not that Cinder really wanted any off the stuff, it was all just a game. The two of you walked away from one of the booths laughing, Cinder adjusting her new large straw sunhat. Cinder looks up at you with a grin. Exchanging a quick kiss, the two of you continue on your journey.

You arrive at the village just as the sun begins to set. You find the inn relatively quickly. Renting a room, the two of you sit in the bar, playing the role of love-struck newlyweds. It's not really difficult, all the necessary feelings are there. As the sun falls behind the horizon, you and Cinder retire to your room, feigning sleep. Closing and locking the door, you faded into the shadows and began your search throughout the village for the Maiden. Moving from house to house, it wasn't long before you found her. In bed between her mother and father, her frame gently rising and falling with every breath she took.

Returning to Cinder, the two of you wait for darkness to fall before making your move. Silently exiting the inn, you lead Cinder to the small house where the Spring Maiden and her parents sleep. As smoke, you enter through the crack under the door and unlock it for Cinder. Moving to the bedroom, you indicate the mass under the blankets and nod.

"Take care of the parents." Cinder instructs.

Nodding, you summon two sharp shadows and send them flying at the larger of the figures. Just as they're about to reach the parents, the covers are thrown off the bed, obscuring your vision. Ripping the fabric to pieces, you see two figures standing on either side of the bed, one holding a small figure which you assume to be the maiden.

Reader x Cinder Fall x Summer Rose / The One You Feed: A RWBY FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now