(Summer Ending) Epilogue: Home

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"(F/N)?" A voice calls from beyond the darkness. "(F/N), wake up!" Summer shakes your shoulder. "Please, you have to get up."

"Dad!" Ruby shouts. You lurch awake as she jumps on your stomach. "Wake up! It's almost time to go!"

"Alright, alright." You say sleepily. "I'm up." Yawning, you sit up in your bed and stretch your muscles. "What time is it?"

"Half past get your butt up!" Ruby shouts as she dashes from your bedroom.

Summer laughs and kneels on the bed behind you. She rubs your shoulders before draping her arms over you, hugging you from behind and kissing you on the cheek. "Hurry up honey. Breakfast is on the table."

Summer moves off the bed and follows your daughter into the kitchen. Groaning, you throw back the covers and move to your wardrobe. Rifling past the many different outfits you have, you push your old trench coat to the side and grab a simple maroon dress shirt. Tossing it on the bed, you move to your dresser and grab a pair of tan pants and black socks. Getting dressed, you slip on your brown shoes and exit your room, sleepily rubbing the back of your head.

"Finally!" Ruby exclaims.

"Give your father break, Ruby." Summer smiles. "He's not as young as he used to be."

You frown at Summer while Ruby laughs.

"Yeah, well, taking care of that kid of ours has taken years off my life."

"Hey!" Ruby pouts.

"Alright you two." Summer says, placing a plate in front of each of you. "Be quick, the other's will be here in ten minutes."

Ruby immediately starts scarfing down her breakfast, hands moving in a blur.

"Easy there kid." You say, ruffling her hair. "Try chewing before you swallow."

"Bu-sche-av-t-urey." She says with puffed cheeks, spitting several flecks of food onto the table. She pauses and takes a big swallow. "Sorry. But we have to hurry."

"Hurrying isn't gonna do you any good if you choke to death on your food. Now slow down."

Suddenly a loud knock echoes through the house.

"That must be them." Summer says from the sink, looking at the door.

"Ah! I'll get it!" Ruby leaps from her seat and dashes over to the door, throwing it open. She's immediately swept into a big hug from Yang who picks her up off her feet. "Yang." She chokes. "Can't breathe."

You and Summer move to the door to greet your guests. Yang still has Ruby trapped in a bear hug. Standing behind her is Raven. Ushering them inside, you reach down and give Raven a hug, kissing her on the cheek. Summer bounces on the balls of her feet, watching the exchange, before tackling Raven into a hug.

"Summer, relax." She groans, but with a smile on her face. "You saw me not even two days ago."

Summer goes on a long-winded rant about how two days is too long, all the while Raven rolls her eyes. You laugh and shake your head, turning your attentions to the two younger girls.

"Hey Yang." You greet, hugging the young blonde. "How've you been?"

"I'm doing great Uncle (F/N)!" She says cheerfully. "Is it uh... is it here yet?"

Looking around to make sure the coast is clear, you nod your head causing your niece to squeal in excitement.

"Can I see it?" She begs. "Please, please, please, please, please."

"Alright, alright." Getting off the couch, you turn to your wife and Raven. "Hey honey, I'm gonna show Yang Ruby's baby pictures."

"Dad!" Ruby pouts. "Stop embarrassing me!"

Summer simply nods her head before returning her attention to Raven who looks at you for help. You simply shrug at her as if to say, 'if I've dealt with it for fifteen years, you can handle five minutes.' Taking Yang out the back door, you lead her to the shed across the yard. Throwing open the doors, the sun shines off a brand new yellow and black motorcycle. Yang shrieks with delight and throws her arms around you.

"Now remember," you say quietly, "not a word to your parents."

"Got it." She nods.

"Alright." Grabbing the keys from your pocket, you toss them at her. "Happy belated birthday kid. I'll sneak it up to Beacon when no one is looking."

"Best uncle ever!" Yang shouts.

The two of you return to the house to find Ruby with Crescent Rose on her back. Raven and Summer stand in the middle of the living room, Raven placing her scroll in her pocket.

"That was Tai." She informs you. "He says the bullheads are coming in."

Pulling out her sword, she uses her semblance and opens a portal through which you all step. As you step out of it, you find yourselves standing at the Vale docks, two large bullheads just landing by the water.

"'Bout time." Tai says. He walks up to Raven and kisses her, then pulls his daughter into a hug. "Remind me why I'm the one who had to come out here with all the luggage."

"Because you're the father." Raven reminds him.

"Well yeah, I know. But what about (F/N)?"

"Hey, at least you weren't up all night because your daughter and wife," you look at Summer who giggles nervously, her face turning red, "overdosed on cookies and had a sugar high."

"Hey, dad?" Yang asks. "Wasn't Uncle Qrow supposed to help you with all this?"

"Well, he was." Tai says. "But he went off to get wasted."


Looking behind you, you all see Qrow stumbling over to you, his red cape blowing in the gently breeze.

"Alright." He says as he reaches the group, rubbing his hands together. "First year at Beacon."

"I still can't believe my little cousin is going with me. Two years early!" Yang squeals, hugging Ruby.

"Yeah, neither can I." You say a little sadly.

"Remember, respect your teachers." Raven says.

"And make sure to study hard." You remind.

"Say hi to Goodwitch for us." Summer says, kissing Ruby on the head.

"And Yang, absolutely no alcohol." Tai says sternly as he hugs his daughter.

"Don't be afraid to beat up on any bullies." Qrow slurs. "Ozpin won't punish you for it. Can't speak for Goodwitch though."

"Alright, got everything?" Raven asks, checking the bags. "Toothbrush? School supplies? Weapons?"

"Be good, and don't forget to call home every once in a while." You say, hugging Ruby goodbye.

"Alright, now go on." Qrow shoos the two girls away. "Get outta here."

With one final set of hugs, the two girls are running onto the bullhead, their luggage being loaded by several crewmembers. The five of you watch as the large airship flies off over the horizon, departing for Beacon Academy.

"Well that was fun." Qrow says. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I could use a drink."

Qrow stalks off towards a nearby bar. Raven, Tai, Summer, and you all look at each other and shrug before following Qrow. Summer wraps her arm around yours and leans her head on your shoulder. Draping your arm over her shoulders, you give her a tight squeeze and kiss her on the head. Together, the five of you enter a restaurant you frequent. The waiter leads you to your usual table.

"And what may I get for the illustrious Team STTRQ today?" 

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