the one with the yelling

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"Hunny watch out for cars!" My mom's yells to a nine year old me. "Oh my gosh mommy I'm a big girl now I'm not a baby anymore!" I say

"Callie your still a kid." Miles says. "You're only two years older than me." "Alright you two, your both little kids my only big kids are Ben and Drew, the rest of you are still little. That's okay though because I love my little kids the most." Mom says.


Drews phone finally rang. After a few minutes he hangs up. "What was their flight number?" He asks. "94612" Ashton says. Drew's faces falls. "It was their plane." He says. "Are they okay?" Carson asks. "Their still looking but they dont think theres any survivers."

My last words to them were I hate you. My parents are dead. It feels so unreal. This can't be happening.

I'm standing in the living room with no expression on my face. i feel sick. I run to the bathroom amd throw up. Carson run in behind me and held my hair out of my face.

After a few minutes I throw up again and I see blood. Carson sees it and yells for everyone.

"Shit! Callie did mom take you yesterday?" Drew asks. I shake my head no and they all freak out. "What's going on?" Carson asks.

"Nothing Carson." I say as I try standing up but fall right back down. "Shit." Someone says.

River picks me up and then it all goes black.

I open my eyes and see my brothers watching me. "Wheres Carson?" I ask. "He's having some trouble comprehending everything." Ashton says.

"Miles?" I say. "What's up?" He asks. "When we get outta here can we go to freestone park? Just the little kids?" I ask. He smiles instantly understanding. "Yeah." He says.

My doctor walks In and sighs. "Your gonna be fine. You need to take better care of yourself, and come in every week." She says. "Also your incredibly stressed. Find a way to fix that."

Is she freaking serious!

"Are you kidding?!" I asks. Getting everyones attention. Drew put a hand out to clam me down but ughhh. "My boyfriend cheated on me, I got freaking cancer, and I just found out my parents are dead! You want me to have less stress? Get the damn cancer out of me, or bring my parents back!" I scream.

"You need to relax your going to go Into distress." She says. "Relax! Are you for real right now!" I yell. "Callie." River starts. "Get her out of here!" I yell. The monitor next to me starts to beep a lot and two nurses run in pushing my brothers out.

I start feeling dizzy and throw up again. My stomach starts to cramp and I scream in pain. I see a young blond girl run up to me.

"Hi hunny my name's Amanda I'm your nurse, can you rate your pain on a scale from 1-10 for me?" She asks. "A five." I say. "Alright, I'm gonna lay you back and feel your stomach alright?" She asks. I nodd my head.

"She's bleeding into her stomach." She says to the doctor. After a while everything went black. Again. Will I ever get better? Am I gonna die too? I just want my mom to hold my hand.

I wake up to an empty room. Then my doctor walks In. "You started to bleed-" she starts. "I don't want to know." I say. She nods and hands me a juice box. "Drink that and your free to go for at least a day, but I recommend three.


I've been home for a few days and I haven't slept yet. Bens been here since I got home and he's the one that lays with me every night.

I look over to my night stand and see its 7:34 am. I get out of bed and go make myself drink a fruit smoothie. These things can fill you up for the whole day. After I finish it I go back upstairs to my room.amd get into bed.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ashton and Miles, happy birthday to you! Yay, make a wish!" Mom yells. "Mom we just turned 13." Miles says.

"Mommy when is my birthday?" I ask. "November 16th. Don't tell anyone but your my favorite." She says with a big smile.


"Callie close your eyes." Ben says. "Sleep." I roll over to my side and stare at the wall. I miss my mom.

As memories of my parents play threw my head the door bell rings.

Uncle Jack.

Me and my SIX older BROTHERS!Where stories live. Discover now