The one where callies an advocate

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  Me and Henry ended up spending the hole day together. There's something about him. My phone started ringing again. It was Dylan. Again. "Hello?" "Hey babe I'm about to go to bed I thought I'd call you." He says. "That's so sweet." I say. "Goodnight love." "Nite babe." He says and hangs up. Henry looks at me. "Love?" He asks. "Uh yeah Dylan's kinda my boyfriend." I say. "Really? How long have you two been together?" He asks. "Almost a year." I tell him. "That's great." I bod my head a little. We sat in awkward silence for a minute before he spoke again. "Well it's getting late." He says and stands up. "Yeah I should get back to my hotel." I say. We got into a cab and the ride was quiet. I made it back to my room and went to bed. I couldn't get Henry out of my mind. He's so sweet and smart and funny and so so cute. But I am with Dylan and I need to remember that. I love Dylan and him only.

I woke up the next morning with a text from river. He said he hopes it having a good time and that he misses me already. I texted him back saying basically the same thing and then hopped in the shower. I threw on a black crop top and a white pair of ripped jeans and my checkered vans. I threw on one of Dylan's hoodies that I stole because it's freezing here.

I laid on the bed for awhile because I didn't have to be out of the room for an hour so I called Carson. "Hey cal!" He says. "Hey." I say. "I miss you." He laughs. "You've been gone a day." He tells me. "I know but I'm so far away." "Hows England?" He asks. "Carson I don't know about this." I tell him. "What happened?" He asks. "Nothing happened I'm afraid of what might happen." I tell him. My mind was telling me to shut up but my mouth wouldn't. "What do you mean?" He asks. "There this guy Henry who is showing me around England and taking me to my speakings. He's honing to be here with me every time Im here." I say. "Ok so what's the problem?" He asks. "He's so pretty!" I tell him. "Oh god cal-" "is that Callie?" Someone asks in the background. I knew it was Dylan. "No just a friend." He lies. "Oh I thought I heard you say cal." "Oh my friend cal-vin. Calvin. He's new, from Egypt. Yeah he moved here with his mom because his dad was cheating on her and he got kinda crazy, he threw a rock threw their kitchen window once, so his mom figured why not experience the American dream. Calvin told me that he's always wanted to come here and now he's here." Carson says. "Ok, hey I'm going to the gym if you wanna come." Dylan says. "I'm good I'll see you later." I heard the door close so I knew he was gone.

"Calvin?" Carson says to me. "How the hell did you come up with all of that on the spot like that?" I ask him. "I got good when river and drew kept finding me sneaking back into the house. If they ever ask I have a very sick friend dying in the hospital." He says. "Your a terrible person." I tell him. "Yes but I'm a terrible person that has fun." He says. "So anyways you like this guy?" "Yes and I don't know what to do, all day yesterday we were flirting and I told him Dylan was just a friend." "You what!" He says. "I didn't mean to! It just slipped out!" "Maybe you should ask for a new person." He says. "And put this guy out of his job because I have a thing for him?" I say. "Yeah your right. Well you could always come home." "Carson this is a dream come true of me if I leave I'll regret it for the rest of my life." I tell him. "Well then there's only one thing you can do." He says. "Really? What is it?" I ask. "Don't hook up with anyone there!" He says and hangs up the phone. Rude. But he has a point. I love Dylan I wouldn't do that to him. My mind was fighting itself. Part of me was saying he did it to me first but the other part is saying I forgave him for that and I can't use that against him.

After about thirty minutes Henry was at my door. "Hey." I say. "Ready for your first speaking?" He asks me. "Ready as I'll ever be." I tell him.

We pulled up to a high school. I went in and had a meeting with the principal. "Hello Callie, I'm mister Mitch. There has been a change of plans." He says. "When you were picked to come we went over all of your essays from this year and found one we liked a bit more." "Ok and what's that?" I ask him. "Rape culture in America." He says. "We want you to talk about your experience with sexual assault, harassment. We really want the kids here to relate to you and if there are any kids here that have had similar experiences we hope they will come to you and they will report." He says. "I don't know about this." I tell him. "This topic is much stronger than the one I was originally given." " We understand it could be difficult but you could change people's life's, really make a difference in the world, and if you are successful here I've heard you would be traveling the world to speak about this." He says. "I could travel the world and talk about rape in America?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "And if you are willing we have a class room ready for you to talk too." "Ok." I say and follow him to a class full of people. "Class this is Callie, she is here today to speak to you about rape culture in America." The teacher says. I looked at all the kids faces and saw their boredom."actually im here to talk about rape culture everywhere." I say. The principal and the teacher look about me. "Aren't you from America?" One of the students ask. He was younger than me but not much. "Yes, but rape is the same I matter where it is." I say. "How would you know?" I girl asks me. A few kids smirk. "Because I've been assaulted, beaten, raped." I say. "And I know what it feels like when no one believes you." "Why wouldn't they believe an adult?" Another kid asks. "I'm not an adult." I say. "How old are you?" Another girl asks. "You know what why don't we let Callie tell us a little about herself before she begins." The teacher says.

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