Author's Note

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Frankly just thank you !

God knows how rough it has been to write this story, it took me a long time, a very long time. 

If you are reading this, you must have been though all the chapters that preceded and let me just thank you all for being persistant and reaching this point. I am a non native english speaker, and this is my first novel length story, obviously it is not perfect, far from it. But i always wanted to write, and that is what i did. If you could take one thing from this story, it's that nothing is impossible when you have the willpower to do it. Nobody's born already knowing how to write good stories, we all learn, we all go through the same process of trial and error, it all depends on you.

So thank you. I will of course be editing all the chapters, to make it more inviting i guess.

Finally i would like to personally express my gratitude towards two people without whom nothing would have been possible,  they never failed to encourage me to write, always giving compliments and helpful words when needed. This whole story is dedicated to them. 

JihadJB and mujeebsid

Thank you, until next time.

Keep writing, keep reading !

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