In a group, but no more flower crowns

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I change out of my school clothes, and I put on a light redish/pink t shirt, with a pink rose at the top, a light blue denim jacket, light green pants, red sneakers, and of course, the best part of all of my outfits, a flower crown, a red and pink one to be exact.

I head downstairs and open the front door, that is until I'm stopped. "Where do you think you're going dressed up like that?", my dad asks. "To the park", I say. "We meant to tell you, you're grounded", he says. "What?! For what?!", I ask. "Because, that's our new rule, if you're going to be gay in our house then, you're grounded", he says. I frown. "What?! That is the most ridiculous rule, ever!", I say. "Doesn't matter, room now", he says. "No!", I say, opening the door. He grabs my hand and pratically drags me up the stairs.

"You will stay right here in this room! Do not come out unless we tell you to!", he says, slamming the door. I roll my eyes. Luckily, I still have my phone. I text Andrew.

Corky: Andrew! I need your help!!!
Andreeeew: What?
Corky: Can you help me escape my room?!
Andreeeew: Escape? Wdym?
Corky: Because mom and dad grounded me for nothing
Andreeeew: Uhm, okay..
Corky: I need you to get my friends and sneak them into the backyard
Andreeeew: Who?
Corky: They're still at the park right?
Andreeeew: Yeah, they're waiting on you, Ig
Corky: Okay good, go get them
Andreeeew: But I don't feel like walking 10 minutes to to the park
Corky: Please
Andreeeew: Fine
Andreeeew: But you have to give me something in return
Corky: -.-
Corky: I'll give you my desserts for the rest of the week
Andreeeew: Alright! Deal
Corky: I hate you -.-
Andreeeew: :)

Now all I had to do is wait.

~20 minutes later~

"Braden!", Andrew yells. I look outside my window, and open it. "Keep it down! Mom and dad might hear us!", I say. "It's okay! The Tv's on really loud! They won't suspect a thing!", Andrew says. "Riight", I reply. "Well, how are you going to get down?", he asks. "Do we not have a ladder?", I ask. "", he replies. "Crap", I say to myself. Well it wasn't that far down.

"Jump! I'll catch you!", Denis says, holding out his arms. "Are you sure that isn't dangerous?", Elijah asks," That's pretty high up" "Not really", Sub says. "You better hurry before mom and dad comes outside", Andrew says. "Okay", I say.

I stick my feet out the window first and then slide down. I hang onto the ledge of the window. "Let go!", Denis yells. "I'm scared", I say. "I got you! I promise..", he says, softly. I let go of the ledge and he catches me, but he loses his balance and we fall onto the ground. We look at each other and start laughing.

"Awww, ship", Sub teases. "Shut up", Denis says, starting to blush. "Andrew! What are you doing?!", mom says from inside the house. "Uhm...nothing!", he says," You guys better gooo" We all go out the back fence, and start walking to the park.

"Why did you get grounded?", Denis asks. "Because my parents are stupid", I say. "What?! You're mom seems so nice", Elijah says. "Yeah, that's what you think", I say,"Try living with them!" "I still don't understand how you got grounded", Denis says. "Because! They made me sit down to have a 'talk' with them cause they say that I act like a girl!", I say," And I accidentally came out to them during the arguement! So, my dad grounded me for being gay apparently"

"What?! That's so stupid!", Alex says. "Exactly!", I say," So I guess my parents are homophobic cause they think that girls are supposed to like boys and boys are supposed to like girls and blah blah blah" "Oof", Sub says. "That's really dumb!", Denis says, frowning", Personally I think that's not how it works! Anyone can like anyone, and you can't change that! Love is love! Everyone has the right to love someone!" "Exactly", Elijah says. "I'm glad that they're not my parents", Alex says", But I feel bad for you. Heck, I would've cursed them out for all I care" I giggle a little bit. "Of course you would, Alex", Sub says, rolling his eyes and laughing. "Shut up", Alex says.

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