WillNE : Wedding celebrations

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It was Laurence and his girlfriends wedding day and the day was packed with laughter and smiles and some kisses here and there. Brian was picked as Laurence's best man and Will and Stephen were one of the groomsmen. But you now reached the nightly event where everyone was up dancing and celebrating obviously. You, Will, Stephen and Brian we're sitting at a table near the front having a laugh as you watched Laurence dancing with his new wife. "He looks happy doesn't he?" Brian says while looking at his best friend. "You jealous Brian?" Stephen asks, holding a glass of champagne. "Nah. I'm not at that stage yet. What about you two love birds?" Brian asks looking at you and Will. "Oh nah we're good for a while" You laugh. "How long have you's been together now?" You look at Will who looks back at you. "Like 3 nearly 4 years" You nod. "Wow. Your starting to make me feel old with all of this. Especially this wedding stuff" You smile. "Alright! There's the lovely couple" Brian yells bringing the tables attention to the newly weds. Laurence smiles, still holding his wife's hand and takes a seat opposite you all. "Thanks" He chuckles and looks at you and Will. "You too not dancing?" Laurence asks, nodding towards the dance floor which was scattered with dancers. You look at Will and laugh. "Wills not a dancing kind of guy" He nods and in agreement. "I'm more of a sit down and observe while drinking kind of guy"  The table bursts into laughter. You look at Stephen. "What about you Stephen? Do you not want to dance with Brian?" "I asked him earlier but he hasn't brung his dancing shoes. Maybe next time" you laugh and shake your head. You hear someone calling Laurence's name and he turns his head. One of his friends gestures for him to come over. "Alright ladies, I have business elsewhere. Feel free to take all of the mini sausage rolls" You wave at Laurence and his wife as they walk over. You feel a tap on your shoulder. "You want to dance?" You look at Will with a look of surprise as does Brian. "Woah. Wills changed his ways" He shakes his head laughing. "I'm down if you are" He takes your hand leads you to the floor. "Come on then. Ill show you how it's done" You giggle and wave to Brian and Stephen who wave back. "Have fun love birds" you hear Brian call. You turn to Will who smiles at you and moves into a waltz position. "Didn't expect you to be the kind of guy to dance like this" "There's a lot of stuff you don't know about me" You laugh and sway along to the music. You look at Laurence and his wife as they too sway but in a close position. "You look beautiful by the way" You turn to Will to see him smiling while looking at you. "Thanks. Not too bad yourself" He laughs and continues to sway with his hand in yours. "I think I'm doing alright you know? At this dancing thing" "oh yeah your really slaying the dance floor right Will" He nods and spins you around to show off but it makes you slightly dizzy with the alcohol. He pulls you close in similar way to Laurence's dance and you smile to yourself and spend the majority of the rest of the night dancing with Will.

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