First day

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Y/N: your name

F/f: favourite food

F/s: favourite show

F/a: favourite anime

F/an: Favourite animal

F/c: colour

F/s: favourite song

Your P.O.V

"Ochako, Y/N school starts soon and we don't want to be late now do we!"

I got up and yawned, going to check my appearance in the mirror then going to brush my teeth.


Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? I have work much than usual today," dad questioned looking up from his newspaper scanning our faces.


"We might meet some people on the way!" I added as I made my way to the door.

"Have a great day sweethearts." mom said tearing up.

It's not as though we're not coming back home...

"Mom don't cry" Ochako sighed walking back over to her, giving her a hug.

"It's fine dears I'm just struggling to deal with the fact my babies are getting older, but don't worry about me have a great day first day!"

I opened the door as my twin walked back up to me. We waved back to our parents smiling faces before I shit the door behind us.

"I'm so nervous..." Ochako sighed.

"Well at least you have that Izu~kun and me.

"Yeah you're right" she had a small smile form on her face at the mention of the green haired boys name.


I sat down in a seat quite close to the window next to a dark green haired girl.

C'mon Y/N she won't bite you. Just talk, is not like you're asking for her hand in marriage.

"I'm Y/n Uraraka, what's your name?"

Tsuyu, Tsuyu Asui nice to meet you Uraraka."

"I'm so excited for class do what time does class start?"

"I believe about 5 minutes from now." She said glancing at the clock. "And same, since Allmight is going to be a teacher here this year I want to at least get one glass with him." Asui smiled at me.

"Ahh– Same." I couldn't help but smile back at to cute girl.

I spoke to someone! Mission accomplished.

"Um sorry but someone's sitting there," I turned my head to see my sister's bags discarded on the floor and a ruffian in her seat."

"I didn't ask.'

"Excuse me?!" I said slamming my hands on the side of his desk elevating myself.
We made eye contact at that moment. Red eyes, red eyes that held nothing but anger.

"Did I stutter?" The ash blond glared at me.

Chile... Is he on his period or something?

"I must not have made myself clear, this seat of reserved for something other than your sweaty ass." I bluted out. I could feel eyes on me but that didn't matter. I was clearly agitated.

Ok Y/N, breath control. 1...2...3 1...2-

Across the room a familiar voice spoke up. "K-kacchan you can ha-have my seat." Izuku didn't even get to step out the way before the ash blond flipped him off.

Izuku quickly sat down again sweat visible on his face.

"Uraraka, let's move." The smile on Asui's face urged me to keep calm. To which I did. Fighting on your first day wasn't cute.

We moved to the back where they were three vacant seats..


Hey my beautiful Oreo's hope you enjoyed 😊

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~Author Sama out 💜

「ʀᴇ-ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ 24ᴛʜ ᴏꜰ ᴀᴜɢᴜꜱᴛ」

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