/∆•USJ Pt.2•∆\

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"OUCH! fuck that hurt.."

That guy could have been nicer and dropped us a little more gently... Ooh this must be the ruins zone, and I'm here with Kirishima and Katsuki.

"Ummmm... Kirishima, Katsuki what are we going to do now,"

"Oh Y/N I didn't see you there. Really it's down to you,"

~3rd person~

"Okay...Hmmmm. Oh. Oh, I know we should gather up a little team and make our way down to where we were with thirteen." Y/N said excitedly

Although no one noticed, her cute little actions made her best friend Katsuki blush just a touch.

They made their way to the top of the building to find the quickest route

"So if we head that way we'll be able to go that way to since that's where Toru and Todoroki are," Y/N said pointing in the direction of the land slide zone.

I'm quite surprised we haven't run into any villians y-
I spoke to soon, oh well

On the 5th floor a group of thugs were loitering just waiting for something. As they spoke.

As they entered the room silence spread over the villains.

Let's make this quick.

Bakugo readied some explosions in his palm as Kirishima got into a fighting stance.

All of a sudden Y/N rushed past them gently grazing her finger tips against the bodies,

"HAH LITTLE GIRL YOUR QUIRK HAS NO AFFECT ON US!!!!" The leader of the gang yelled.

God he's so loud, reminds me of Endeavour. Not a good thing to be reminded of though

"Ummmm, I don't think so. It's called delayed impact. It's one of my special abilities"

"Huh... Boss I can't m-ove!"

"Good job Y/N! We can take it from here," kirishima pat her on the head

An intense blush hit Y/N's face.

"O-oh it w-was nothing! R-reall-." Y/N stuttered profusely.

The girl was cut off by a loud explosion.

"God hurry up now would you."

He had cleared a path for them out of knocked out bodies.

The group proceeded to hop from building to building with the help of Bakugo's explosions.

"I'm surprised you let us do this Katsuki,"

"Shut up shitty girl..."

Even though she didn't say it hanging around Bakugo made her excited.  Not in a romantic way but she really enjoyed his company. Even though he would call her names she had grown accustomed to it, and she'd be a liar if she said she hadn't called him names too.

"katsuki can you drop us down here, i can see Todoroki and Toru's gloves."

he got them close enough to the ground so they wouldn't hurt themselves because of the fall damage, before he himself landed.

"Hagukure, Todoroki were going to gather the class to fight the villains do you have any idea on were the rest of the class is?" Kirishima asked the two.

"I know Midoria, Tsuyu and Mineta are at the shipwreck zone." Toru responded

"C'mon then to the shipwreck zone!"

The group ran eastwards to the shipwreck zone. Y/N was oozing with excitement.

I can't believe this is our first time as actual hero's! So exciting! I wonder how Ochako is.

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