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The day of the USJ incident

I was running to the corner on xxxxxx street, Katsuki and I's usual meeting place. I made a sharp turn to see Katsuki obviously angry checking the time of his watch.

"Your late,"

"I'm sorry Bakugo, I slept through my alarm." I explained

"First, I've told you to stop calling me Bakugo it's Katsuki, and what about your parents, they should've woken up,"

"They're working extra shifts both of them,"


"She slept over at Toru's,


"Y'know invisible girl,"


"Should I wake you up next time,"

"N-no that's not necessary"

"I was joking and it clearly is,"

Hmph I pouted

We walked the rest of the journey in silence until we passed a store with a cute guitar in the window. I pressed my hands and face against the glass crouching looking like a child.

"What is now..."

"Oh just a cool looking guitar,"

The guitar itself had a pastel (F/C) Stipe going down the left of the body. It's body coulor was primarily a light brown colour,

"What's the big deal, it's a fucking guitar,"

"It's one of Lilly stones Guitars their one of a kind, and from what I've heard you can get some great sounds with it!"


We continued to walk in silence nearing the school gates. As we approached the big crowd became very obvious to us. There were news reporters from the CTF trying to interview some students. We walked up to the gate when a reporter approached us.

She looked about 30-45 and was wearing a heavy layer of makeup and a short navy blue dress with silver hoop earrings, and silver high heels to match. She had short light brown hair and a soft gaze with light blue eyes.

"Ahhhh, hello may I ask you young hero's in training a few questions?" she asked

"Umm... Can it be quick I need to get to school,"

She signalling for her camera crew, and her eyes lit up.

"Thank you, so UA is the best school, so how are you finding your studies?"

"Ummmm. Ok I guess"

"How is the environment?"

"It's cool..."

"How does it feel having the number 1 hero at your scho-"

"We'll be going now,"

Katsuki had a firm grip on my wrist, he dragged we into school. I felt bad and flashed the reporter an apologetic look.


"Today class we will be going to the Unforseen stimulation joint."

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