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"Ms. Uraraka your getting released today,"

"Thank you Dr. Lola."

"No problems M.s Uraraka


"Y/N! I've invited the girls over !" Ochako yelled from downstairs. I dropped my guitar on my bed.

I slowly made my way down the stairs since the doctor told me to take it easy for a while. I got down the stairs. It was Mina, Momo, Tsuyu, Toru.

When I got down Mina ran to me before anyone could say anything

"Y/N, you ok does anything hurt! Your sure your ok right" mina bombarded me with questions.

"Mina I'm ok, really."

"Y/N if you want we can go shopping," Toru suggested "it's how I comfort myself,".

"Mmhm, I need to buy a couple new outfits I saw Moonlight wearing (Moonlight is the name of a famous model she's made up btw) did you see her new line!" Tsuyu agreed.

"Nah I'm good besides I'm saving up for something else,"

"Awwwww Y/N c'mon, I can buy you an outfit!" Mina suggested

"No, mina it's fine." I insisted

"Consider it an early Christmas present,"

"Fine..." I gave in to her pleas and went
along with it.

"Yay! Now that's settled we can go."


We hopped off the bus and neared the entrance of the shopping district we continued talk until I brought up the question "where should we head first?"

"How about we eat first I'm hungry," Toru suggested

"Mkay where though," Tsuyu asked.

"How about the new (f/r) favorite restaurant," Ochako suggest pointing down the road.

"Since when was there a (f/r) around here?" Mina questioned.

"I don't know it wasn't there the last time I visited..." Ochako said "but still I'm craving a a (f/) (favorite food)

"that sounds bomb right now..." i said

"Then what are we waiting for, lets go!" Mina pointed inn the direction of the restaurant.

when we walked in we sat down at a table next to a window.

"this place is so fancy..." Mina whispered. "seconded" Toru agreed

"Yeah i come here every once in a while." i said to her taking a seat.

I passed around the menus. i noticed Tsuyu staring hard at the menu. "Tsu maybe you could try their special rice? It's a new item and its quite popular."

"oh thanks (y/n)"

As she finished her sentence a waiter came up to our table. He looked around 17 and was quite tall. He had dirty blond hair and freckles with baby blue eyes and had circle glasses with the lenses tinted slightly with white.

"May I take your order" he asked

"Yeah but I have a question did you..." Mina said in a cute voice

"Im not sure but I really want this special fried rice and the Shabu Shabu as well as the miso soup," she explained "but I cant have all of it so what would you recommend?" She batted her eyelashes at him.

The boy leaned over resting his elbow on the table.

"Well recently our miso soup has been really popular since we're in the winter months right now, so I'd recommend that"

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