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20 missed calls
164 messages

Chile how do you text someone 164 times...


Y/N💎 has entered the chat

Shouto😘♡💜: hey

Y/N💎: I'm gonna put this simply. I. Don't. Want. You. To. Contact. This. Number. Again.

Shouto😘♡💜: Please here me out Y/N

Y/N💎: By the power invested in my I pronounce you blocked and deleted.

Kiss my ass

And ew don't say my name again 🥱

「You can no longer contact this number」


"Ochako, Y/N what are you doing later." Mom asked taking a bite of her sausage.

"I'm going to have a sleepover with some members of our class... That if it's ok with you"

"Sure honey do you want me to her anything for you guys?"

"Oh that's nice me and your mother are going to a restaurant." Dad said. Kissing mom on the cheek

I pushed myself away from the table, taking all the plates to the sink to wash the plates.


I was in my PJ's when I heard the door bell. That must be them.

"I'll get it"


I had tydied up the living room and sat out a plate of cookies, crisps, sausage rolls and homemade juice.

"Hey hi guys" I said peeping round the corner of the wall. Everyone was immediately wary of me.

"Hey Y/N," Tsuyu greeted.

Behind the girls I could see a familiar spiky ponytail.


"Make this quick your exercising my patience."

The other girls were quiet listening in.

"Y/NNN *hiccup* I'm so *hiccup* sorry I didn't mean to" Tears were falling down her face with no intention of stopping.

Why did it have to me now of all times. The girls are already on edge around me.

She walked towards me slowly rambling. I couldn't understand her.

She hugged me.

"Please– forgive me– I'm desparate" the ravenette hiccuped. I sighed, I felt slightly bad.

"I'm sorry Momo I can't do that just yet it still stings."

She looked up at me and took a deep breath.

"Hopefully in time" she said wiping away her tears. She gave a small smile."

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