descussing crushes

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I'm back 😊 I have a test in a couple of days so I'm going to updating on my way to school since the rest of my time is dedicated to study. On with the story! I got my hands on the digital copy of the manga so yay! Couple of weeks after our last chapter.


"I'll be right over~" I chirped.

I was on my way to Mina's house. She had invited all the other girls over for a bit of rest and relaxation. Since everyone had been stressed out about upcoming tests.


"Coming~ Oh, Y/N!"
Mina pulled me into building On the couch I saw her dad watching something on the TV and her mum was in the kitchen cooking.
"Good morning, "Mr Ashido, Mrs Ashido"
I smiled at her dad, and then he mum who turned to smile at me,
"Mum, dad we'll be upstairs if you need anything," Mina said as we began walking upstairs

"Ok dear," her mum called back.

I walked into Mina's room to see all the girls in our class sitting in a small circle. Ochako was already there.

"Mkay so now Y/N's here we can get into the juicey parts! So, so any of y'all have a crush"

The room went silent.

"Y/N likes Kirishima." Tsuyu blurted out.

"What the hell tsu!" I felt my face burning up.

"But your not denying it~" Jirou teased.

"N-No! It's nothing like that..." I said my face redening.
"Ohoho~ are you sure Y/N" Mina teased.

The teasing continued for ages. They couldn't make me admit it they devised a little plan.

Tsu used her phone to bring up Kirishima's Instagram. The girls were all over it making comments like "oml look at his abs!" And "oml so handsome!" This went for a while before I couldn't take it.

"I do kinda like Kirishima ejirou..." My voice trailing off at the end my face very red.

🤧 I'm bacc! I guess you weren't expecting that. Or maybe you are in not good at dropping subtle hints... Lololol I can't belove y'all are still reading a smol chapter I have Evans all text week and the week after that wish me luck. I'm sick af btw try not to die challenge extreme version.

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~Author Sama out 💜

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