tournament arc. Pt.2

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Midnight had just finished explaining the next competition, the Calvary battle. And we were left to decide out teams. Everyone immediately started to surround Bakugou, figures.

I walked around a bit looking for a team to join with no avail.

I could see the sea had been parted by an unconventional Moses as my name was called "We have a spot."

"Wait Bakugou I w—"

"I'm not taking you shit for brains."

I hesitated for a second. It wasn't intentional but just the thought of Bakugou making a spot on his team for me. I don't really know how to label this emotion actually but it felt...nice?

"Doll face stop staring and get over here,"

The harshness of his words brought me back to reality. I lightly jogged over to his group: Mina, Hanta and Kirishima. The pink haired girl waved my over as the two other boys have new a welcoming smile.

"Ey, Y/N welcome onboard."

"I'm glad to be here."


The cavalry battle was quite awkward at first since we had an extra person I had to squish in-between Mina and Kirishima. It was a struggle to keep up with Bakugou but we managed too. In the end we came in second much to Bakugou's displeasure. Our spot secured our spot in the final battle.

I managed to beat Mina but I lost to Bakugou. Losing to Bakugou wasn't all that bad as he was now up against Todoroki fighting for first,
and if he beat him it would only be expected for me to lose against the soon to be number one.




He didn't respond to my last shout with his words but with a twisted grin as his palms set alight.

The air in the stadium had only gotten thicker as time passed. It was clear Todoroki wasn't giving it his all as he had in previous matches leaving Bakugou with no trouble wiping the floor with him.

And you'd think my he'd be happy with this right. An easy last battle on your way to victory. Wrong. You couldn't be more incorrect at that thought. The boy was throwing a tantrum putting it lightly. The half and half bastard was acting like a sad puppy just holding his own and not making any moves to end this fight that was dragging on way longer than it should.


I couldn't help but yell bringing more attention to me than this pathetic excuse for a final battle. I could sort of feel Bakugou's irritation as I watched him. We had all trained with the hope of getting to first place and the intentions of showing the full extent of our quirks and then imagine actually making it and then Todoroki was acting up because of daddy.

Another shout could be heard, this time from above where I was sitting. Izuku was shouting some words of encouragement to Mr. Daddy issues, something along the lines of don't give up but I really can't be too sure when I heard Todoroki internally gagged.

Those words seemed to be a wake up call for him as he created a massive pillar of ice, almost as a last resort? The crowd was suddenly on the edge of their seats, I was on my feet running down closer to the action.

"Oops! Sorry— coming through!"

As the icey dust settled I could see Bakugou thawing himself out and Todoroki miles out of bounds.

I said out of the stadium but this works too I guess.

"At least one thing went well," he grumbled

I looked up at the owner of the voice, his ruby eyes connected with mine. And I smiled at him.


And cut!! Ok y'all I'm back. 🧍🏽‍♀️ Sorry for such a long break in trying to get back into the swing of things I've moved skls a second time 🥲. If y'all go back to the beginning chapters your can see that I've started re-writing them so I'll be trying to do that while also updating.

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