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Throwing on my leather jacket, I head out the door already not looking forward to the meeting my father arranged so last minute. As usual I'm a couple of minutes late. I can already imagine my father fuming losing his shit every minute that passes.

Not having a clue on how many red lights I passed without stopping. I finally arrive at my family home. Entering the gates of the estate a few red eagles stand around monitoring the premises as they wave at me.

"Heads up little boss. El jefe is furious," Cruz says as he teases knowing I'm the cause of my father's tantrum for the day.

"When isn't he?," I murmur. The both of us lightly chuckle extending our hands out to shake as I make my way towards the front to enter my home where I grew up in.

Making my way down the corridor I start to hear murmuring as I get close to my father's office. I take in a deep breathe exhaling it out as I open the door to enter the room.

If only I knew in this exact moment that the way I came in today wasn't going to be the same way I was going to come out. I would of never shown up to this meeting.

"Well look who finally decided to fucking show up?," my father grumbles as his chocolate brown eyes angrily glare at me as I make my way in to take my seat at the table.

"You're the one that called for a damn last minute meeting this early," I roll my eyes crossing my arms across my chest.

"This is normal active men time. If you weren't so irresponsible partying it up all last night then waking up this early in the morning wouldn't be such a problem now would it?," father sternly says.

"I didn't come here to get lectured about my festivities. Get to the point," I bluntly respond not wanting to hear his complain about how I live my life. This hangover is really taking a toll on me right now.

"Get to the point? Alright, that's exactly what I'll do son," my father blandly says as he takes a seat crossing his arms against his chest. Everyone is silent waiting for him to start explaining what this whole meeting is about.

"So as you all may already know. It's important to secure our alliance with the Romanovs for the arms."

"Okay, well secure it," I yawn wanting this meeting over with already.

"Already did," my father firmly responds his focus on me entirely.

"Great, that means the meeting is over," I sigh about to get up to stand on my feet. However, what my father announces next has me frozen to the spot as I lose all feeling to my bodily functions. My ass meeting the chair once again harshly by the unexpected news.

"You're arranged to marry their daughter."


"The deal is sealed. Your wedding will be in a month."

"What?! A fucking month? I didn't sign up for this bullshit. I refuse," I scold slamming my fist against the table.

"You have no choice, but to obey son. As heir to the throne this is your sacrifice for our mafia," my father blankly says with nothing but seriousness in his tone and expression. I go to protest some more. However, he cuts me off ending the meeting with no intention of hearing my opinion.

"Leo Castillo Jr will reunite alliances for the first time in history between the Romanov and Castillo mafias," my father firmly announces as he slams the gavel onto the sound block dismissing everyone.

As soon as that gravel hit the sound block that was the very moment my life took an entire different course. A course, I wasn't prepared for at all.

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