Chapter 7 "Let's play a game"

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Today is the day Amoret is going to be moving in at my place. No matter how much I protested against this. My father sure gets what he wants. As I stand firmly crossing my arms across my chest. I can't help, but have the most unhappiest expression plastered on my face as I watch my men unload all of her belongings into my home.

The more I think about this the more I start to question Romanov. How is he fine with this? Aren't they about marriage first before living together? It's as if he just sold his only daughter off to me. My father would never do such a thing to Aviana. I don't even think she'll be able to date anyone until her thirties knowing my father. This is all bull, my father is right they have their own agenda just like we do. I must prosecute very well with Amoret.

"Should I put my stuff in your bedroom?," Amoret utters breaking me out of my thoughts. I glance at her seeing her hold a heavy box full of girly stuff, I suppose.

"No, you're staying in the guest room," I blankly respond. I wait to see her reaction, but to my surprise she takes it well too well.

"That'll work just fine," she flirtatiously says as she bites her lower lip walking away into my home. As she walks away, my eyes wander down to her petite figure. She's wearing shorts exposing those nice long legs of hers. Her ass swaying to the sides along with each movement. Amoret is very curvy sure to attract any man within a glance. I shake my head brushing away these thoughts looking elsewhere.


The movement is finally over with and I lay lazily on my couch with no shirt wearing only grey sweatpants watching television. However, my peace is disturbed by Amoret who enters my kitchen going through cabinets like she owns the place. I turn my head to the side seeing her rummage through my alcohol cabinet causing me to roll my eyes turning away to raise the volume.

"I know how you feel," Amoret says breaking the silence.

"Enlighten me," I mutter.

"It must be very uncomfortable to have a total stranger now living with you so quickly. A few days ago, we found out we're set to marry one another now this. I'm sorry," she explains pouring vodka into two shot glasses. I take a moment to take in what she just said to me. Finally, a real conversation about this whole circus that's going on.

"How you feel?," I ask wanting to observe very carefully. One thing, I learned from my father is to always observe carefully and intently. I watch as her expression stays blank. A little surprised that I asked such a simple question. Amoret's blue eyes roll down to the two shot glasses as she grabs them walking towards me.

"Take a shot with me," she says handing me mine, which I gladly take. Who knows how much alcohol I'll need now that I have this female in my house. I gulp mine down not wasting any time waiting on my answer. Amoret takes a seat next to me with a small distance between us as she gulps hers down not needing any limon or anything to lower the strong taste unlike the other females I've drank with before.

"Let's play a game," Amoret steers the subject her eyes meeting mine before continuing on, "you can ask me three questions and I have to answer with truth. Same goes for you."

I take a moment to think what she's proposing to me. This is exactly what I need to do in order to start this mission I have been assigned for my family. So I stand up walking towards the kitchen counter to grab the vodka bottle. As I turn around, I catch Amoret scanning every inch of my body, which I smirk to. Maybe this mission won't be so difficult after all. I take a seat on the opposite side of the couch from where she's sitting. She chuckles as she realizes my action.

"Go first," I simply say taking a swing of the bottle.

Amoret takes a moment to think until she finally utters with amusement, "how many шлюха have you slept with?"

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