Chapter 2 Orion, Junkyard

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Orion POV

Hello everybody.

It’s me Orion Pax Prime. The son of both Optimus Prime and Midnight Prime the daughter of Primus also making me the grandson of the mighty Primus himself.

I should be 7 years old but because of my Cybertronian bloodline, I’m actually 14 years old. I know this sounds crazy but this is how my body works. My Mother found out that my body will start growing normally when I turn 16 years old like her. She told me that her body was the same. So when I'm 16 year old then that means that I will be of age as well. And so, for now, this is how my body is working.

'Strange am I right'

I have blue hair with red tips and bright blue eyes. When I’m on my Bi-pedal mode I’m barely around Uncle Jazz and Uncle Bee chest. I have blue and red paint job with white. I also have an alt-mode. I’m able to transform into a red, blue, and white Honda CBR 125 2011.

 I’m able to transform into a red, blue, and white Honda CBR 125 2011

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Orion's hologram but with blue hair with red tips and blue eyes

Orion's hologram but with blue hair with red tips and blue eyes

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Orion's Alt-mode

(I don't have a picture for Orion's Bi-pedal mode. Just know that he looks like Optimus but has blue, red, and white paint job)

It’s been two years since my Father Optimus Prime left both me and my Mother to find his creators. I will be lying if I say that I don’t miss him. Sometimes I wish he never left and I think Mother wishes the same thing.

“Hey, little Prime wait up!” Wheelie the tiny blue bot yelled.

“Leave me alone Wheelie” I said.

I couldn’t stand the little blue bot. He’s been following me around all day just to bother me. It seemed that he never shuts his tiny mouth.

“No fear. No hate. No anger” Drift chanted.

I wonder how is it possible for the red Samurai to steady himself upside down on only his sword with nothing but a car underneath him.
Oh, yeah and Drift changed his paint job from blue to red.
Okay, so I approach Drift who was doing what he likes to call ‘meditating’ before a smirk came to my face and I tapped the wing of the small winged Dinobot on my shoulder.

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