Chapter 9 Merlin's Tomb

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Scarlett POV

 “You are the first to see this ship since the Dark Ages” Cogman said.

We were in the front of the submarine, looking outside through windshield and saw a wrecked spacecraft. 

‘Mmm... well, here we are.. in the depths of the Atlantic ocean’ I thought. 

“Your talisman is the key to unlocking this ship” Cogman added.

“The ship knows we’re here” Cade said.

We then saw lights on the ship began to turn on and some kind of hatch opened for us, letting us entered the ship and the hatch then closed behind us.

We finally emerge from the water and were now inside the spaceship.

“What now?” Cade asked.

“I don’t know” I said.

“You’re the last knight… you’re the earth’s special guy… you figure it out” Cogman said.

“Wow, that was helpful” I said.

I watched both Cade and Viviane then jump in the water. 

‘I’m not walking on that in my human form’ I thought.

I immediately transformed into my bi-pedal mode. I didn’t want to walk on that water on my human form and exposed Starfire to that cold water.

“I’m not going in that water… my gears would be sucked into my main shaft” I heard Cogman said.

I rolled my optics then looked at Bumblebee, who nodded then quickly pushed Cogman inside the water. I smirked then continued to wonder more inside the ship with the others trailing right behind me. 

“This is unbelievable” Viviane said.

“This is more than unbelievable” I added. 

“Yeah, it is unbelievable” Cade agreed.

“What does the old man wants us to do?” Cade asked.

He then tried to light bengal, but it began to smoke and spark all over the place. I immediately covered them with my body so they won’t get hurt. We then looked up and noticed that an opening had opened for us.

“Wow” Viviane said.

“Bee, go around, find another way!” Cade ordered.

“Come on!” Cade told Viviane. 

“What? Are you serious?” Bumblebee asked.

I smirked and transforming back into my human form.

“I’m sorry, Bee” I said before catching up with the others.

“Urg.. do you think I like winding up in a place like this?” Bumblebee asked.

I finally caught up with the others.

“It wants us to go this way” Cade said.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“I just do” he said.

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore the rest of the conversation and just follow them.

“I think is here” Viviane said.

We then went down, using some loose some cables. I landed on both my feet and looked around the enormous place that looked like a large tomb.

“It’s a tomb” Cade said.

Then we continue our way through a path that had transformer bodies aligned like statues. I was so lost in admiring the place that I didn’t notice when Viviane activated something on the floor. We immediately walked to the center of the room where a tomb had emerged from the ground. 

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