Chapter 8 Being Chased

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Scarlett POV

It was silent for several minutes until we heard sirens outside of the castle. 

“MI6 and TRF are here!” we heard Cogman yelled.

“Move it! Go!” Edmond ordered.

Immediately, we went outside. 

“Cade, hold her” I said, giving Starfire to him.

“Huh? Why?” he asked.

“So I could transform” I said

I immediately transformed from my human form to my robot form. I then transform into my alt-mode. I then opened both my passenger and driver’s seat for Cade and Viviane to get in. Immediately, Cade took the driver’s seat and Vivianea took the passenger's seat. 

“Omg, you are a transformer” Viviane said.

“Yeah, and I'm also a Prime” I said. 

“Get out of here! My weapon will stop the time!” Hot Rod said.

He then shot his gun, making time around the MI6 and TRF soldiers to stop. We immediately use this opportunity to escape. 

“Bee, with me!” I ordered.

Immediately, we took Cade and Viviane to her house to look for clues to find the staff.

“Meet us around the back” Cade said.

I activate my hologram and took Starfire.

“Got it” I said.

I then immediately took off driving away with Bumblebee by my side. 

“Bumblebee, leave the TRF to me” I said.

“:: Huh? Why?::” he asked.

“I will guide them as far away as possible from the building" I said.

"I need you to go pick Cade and Viviane up” I ordered.

“:: Got it, Scarlett::” he replied.

Immediately, we drove away from each other. I then looked down to check Starfire and saw her laughing.

‘I am so glad that Starfire’s not a normal human baby’ I thought. 

I then got a call and quickly answered it.

“Yes?” I asked.

“:: Scar, we have it::" Cade said.

“Then?” I asked.

“:: It’s on the Royal Navy Museum::” Cade replied.

“Got it” I replied.

":: We are going outside, see you there::” Cade added.  

I immediately did a u-turn and drove to the royal navy museum. 

I drove for several minutes before catching up with Bee and Hot Rod. 

“:: Bee, Scarlett, I’m gonna divert the cops!::” Hot Rod said.

“Good luck, Hot Rod” I said.

He then drove away to divert the cops falling us. 

Just then, my scan recorded that a Decepticon was nearby.

“Bee, my scan has detected a Decepticon nearby” I said.

“:: I know::’ he replied.

Just then, I saw him. It was Barricade.

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