Chapter 12 Orion & Izabella

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Orion POV

"Good luck, Mom" I said, watching her figure disappears in the distance.

At the same time, I watched the remains of Cybertron collide with Earth and it began to drain its energy from it. I knew it was devastating the planet and it was killing millions.

"Get that ship clear of the crush zone now!" Cade ordered.

"Orion!" I heard Izabella yelled.

I immediately looked down.

"C'mon" I said, picking her and her mini bot.

I then followed everyone back to the Autobots ship. I heard that they were going to use the ship to take everyone to the ignition chamber and drop them there.

I was sitting on a piece of scrap in my human form with Izabella and Starfire. I had been forbidden to go with the rest of the team because I was too young to go. I was ordered to stay in the ship with Izabella and Starfire.

"That thing kill Decepticons?" Izabella asked.

I looked back and she talking with a soldier.

"No" the soldier replied.

"We do" he added.

I then heard Izabella sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just that... I want to do something to help out" she said.

"Yeah, I know how you feel" I said.

I sighed before looking down at Starfire, who was making bubbles with her mouth. I smiled and laid a small kiss on her forehead.

"Mmm... why aren't they taking you anyway?" she asked.

"I may be a transformer, but I'm not as strong as them" I said.

"Seriously?" she asked.

"I saw you training last night and you were great" she said. I blushed.

"Uh... thank you, Izzy" I chuckle.

"I wish the others thought as you did of me" I said.

I watched everyone immediately aboard the Ospreys.

"Hey!" Izabella yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"I have a plan" she said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Mmm... I don't know why, but I feel like I'm going to regret his" I said.

~Several Minutes Later~

'Mmmm... yup! I regret this' I thought.

I don't know how Izabella convince me to do this. I was positive that if the enemy doesn't kill me... well, I feel like my Mother and Father will.

"Thirty seconds to drop!" I heard Lennox yelled.

I know...

I know...

I know...

'How?' I thought.

I mean, how I'm able to hear Lennox's voice when I'm supposed to be at the ship, safe with Isabella and Starfire?

Well... let's just say that Izabella's plan was to infiltrate one of the military's Ospreys and go to the mission with them.

"How did I let you dragged me into this with Starfire?" I asked.

I know, I couldn't leave her unsupervised. So, I had to bring her with us and Izabella brought Sqweeks with her.

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