Chapter 5 Escape Part 1

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I'm really sorry that I didn't publish last week. I was really busy with school work.

I'm Sorry


Scarlett POV

The next morning came and like the morning person that I am. I woke up first from everyone.

Like every morning, I transform into my Bi-pedal mode, then into my alt-mode and left the junkyard to drive for a little bit. Drive helps me relax and think.

After my little drive, I came back to find Izabella wrapping a Decepticon arm on the little blue Mini-bot name Sqweeks. Orion sitting beside her. I was too lazy to transform into my Bi-pedal mode then into my human form, so I just activate my hologram. I walk inside the garage and sat on a chair. Ratchet was not far from me working on some kind of weapon with Ironhide.

"You look like a warrior, Sqweeks" I heard Izabella tell Sqweeks.

Just then I watch Cade guide Bumblebee inside the garage.

"Here goes, Bee" Cade said.

": Just do whatever you want:" Bumblebee said, laying himself on the metal table.

"Hey, Z, Orion, come on over here and work on a real bot" Cade said.

": Doc, come in, Doc:" Bumblebee said making me chuckle.

I sometimes wonder, what will my life had been if I never met the Autobots or if I had never found out that I was really a transformer. I sigh before taking a book from a small shelter on the floor and began reading from where I left off. The Book name was called "Girl, Stolen" by April Henry. (It's a real book. I loved it)

While I read, the others work on Bumblebee's voice box. They had a small talk about yesterday call with Tessa and what will Cade tell Tessa if he was able to talk back to her.

"Okay, Bee. Done" I heard Cade said.

"Come on, buddy, sit up. Let's hear it" Cade said just as Bumblebee sat up. Ratchet and Ironhide have stopped working and were also now looking at Bumblebee waiting to see if this time he will be able to talk or not.

"Come on. Your real voice. For the first time, buddy. Belt it out" Cade said.

": This is so exciting:" Bumblebee said but with a girlish kind of voice.

": Oh, no. This isn't my damn voice:" Bumblebee said. I sigh. I was really hoping that this time Bumblebee will be able to speak with his real voice but seems like it's not.

"I'm gonna kill him, Bee" Cade said.

"You're not the only one, Cade" I said.

": This is such bullshit:" Bumblebee said.

"Couldn't agree more with you Uncle Bee. This is a big damn bullshit" Orion said with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Orion, language" I said with a glare.

"Whatever" he replied. I sigh and facepalm.

'I don't know what else to do with this boy anymore' I thought.

"Okay, you know what? I'm not giving up. All right? You're gonna speak with your own voice one day" Cade said.

": Daytrader is a punk-ass bitch:" Bumblebee said and literally rip off his voice box.

I watch Cade go back to his trailer while Izabella and Orion left to do I don't know what. Just then Sherman's voice came from the speakers that we have installed in the garage.

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