Chapter 4 The Call, My Secret

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Orion POV

So Izabella is now part of the team. She was asking Hound question while I stood right next to her with Starfire. The day was also coming to an end.

“How much do you weight? Are you technically considered overweight?” Izabella asked Hound.

“No. It’s just all my gear. It’s like somebody packed 10 pounds of shit in a five-pound sack” Hound replied.

“No, he’s a chunky Autobot” Crosshairs said poking him with a metal pipe.

“Yup, couldn’t agree more with you Crosshairs” I said making Izabella chuckle and me to blush when I heard her chuckle.

“You two wanna stop that?” Hound asked.

“No” I replied with a chuckle.

“Hound, pull up the sat phone” Cade said. He was standing in the rooftop of the garage we use as hideout with my Mother next to him.

I knew what he was going to do. Cade was going to do an untraceable satellite phone call to Tessa so he could hear her but he couldn’t reply back because then the TRF will find us.

“I’m bouncing a signal through Portugal, Istanbul, and Kathmandu. You got 20 seconds, chief” Hound replied.

‘20 second’ I thought.

“What’s going?” Izabella asked.

“Huh, oh that’s right, you don’t know” I said.

“Know what?” She asked.

“Well, you see. Cade is going to do an untraceable satellite phone call to Tessa his daughter” I replied.

“Okay, isn't that good?” Izabella asked.

“Yeah, but Cade can’t reply. He could only listen. Only listen to her daughter for 20 seconds because then the TRF could find our location” I explained.

“Oh, I’m sorry to even asked” Izabella replied.

“It’s okay. You didn’t know” I said with a smile.

Just then Starfire woke up from her cat nap. Once her eyes land on me she smiled and reached for my blue and red hair.

“Aw, look who just woke up? The most beautiful girl in the whole world” I said using baby talk.  

I felt as if someone was looking at me so I look to my right and saw Izabella smiling my way.

“So, she’s your little sister?” Izabella asked.

“Yup, her name is Starfire. Do you want to hold her?” I asked.

“Oh, no it’s okay” Izabella quickly replied.

“Don’t worry. I got you, here” I said handing Starfire to her.

“Just hold her from the bottom with one hand and support her back with the other” I said.

Izabella now had Starfire in her arms. I watch Starfire look at her for a moment with a look of curiosity. Izabella did the same. Just then Starfire smiled and began reaching for Izabella’s face. Izabella smile and let Starfire play with her.

Scarlett POV

I was sitting next to Cade waiting for him to call Tessa. Whenever he called her I will always be by his side to support him. I knew this was hard for him.

Before Hound could begin the called I watch him throw his metal cigarette that is nothing more but yet another bullet at the mini T-Rex or like Cade name him Sharp-T.

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