Chapter 6

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Aishh This is embarrassing...Everyone is looking at me. Some people started whispering to each other. I felt my cheeks start to become warmer and warmer. This is one of the worst moments of my entire life... To make matters worse, Jisoo is walking over towards me. I hope she didn't hear the part about me looking at her...
"Hello! What's everyone talking about? i heard your name?" She asked
"It's nothing.Just some rumors...You don't need to know." i lied to her trying not to blush again
"Ayeee TELL MEE..." she pleaded while showing me her puppy eyes...
Aww how adorable...However i did not relent. I chuckled " Your puppy eyes wouldn't work...haha"
Actually to be honest if i were more brave i would have relented...but im probably the most timid guy in this universe so nope.
"Anyway, school is over already...Let's grab a drink and we'll go to my house for the lesson" Jisoo suggested
I nodded my head in agreement and strolled to starbucks
Jisoo POV
I'm so tired...After all that running during PE lessons...Maybe i should ask y/n if he would want to take a break and chill for a while. So that we wouldn't be too tired to dance later.
"Hey y/n! why don't we chill a bit. i'm still exhausted after all that exercise."
" Sure. Anything for you jichu." Y/n said in a cheerful tone
" Jichu?? Did you say that?" i teased him
"Uh Yeah i suits you..." he laughed
Does it? Eh nevermind i'm fine if he calls me that... he's my friend anyway. Plus, it's a pretty cute nickname for me hehe
Y/n: So...Do you wanna work on the project after dancing?
Jisoo : oh i totally forgot about the project. Okay
Y/n : I have some notes maybe we can look through them later
Jisoo : Great! just now in class, Jennie taught me this finger game it's really fun
Y/n: i'm the best at finger games.
Jisoo : Really? okay let's play.
Jisoo taught y/n the game and y/n figured it out in no time.
At the end of the game, Jisoo won by 3points
Y/n teases jisoo : i was going easy on you.
Jisoo : No you weren't. You looked like you were having a hard time...HAHAH
Y/n: ha ha ha Very funny...
Jisoo : You wanna know a secret?
Y/n : What?
Jisoo: i think our friends are hiding something from us... That day, the girls said something about a ship name "Ji—"
Y/n : I heard it too! Jihoon and a few more guys were hinting to me about it... The shipname ended with part of my name.
Jisoo : i wonder who the "Ji" is... it can't be me right?
Y/n : um im not sure...we just met so probably not...uhh
Jisoo : It's okay! uhh...Let's go to
my house now!
Y/n : Great! Race YOU!!
Y/n runs out...
Jisoo POV
Aish that boy He doesn't even know where i live hahaha
I thought y/n was shy...But actually he turned out to be funny and a really good friend...To be honest, he's cute too...
Maybe Jennie was right...i might like him one day
But I don't think he feels the same about me and when he finds out about my family...everything will be messed up.

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