Chapter 12

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Jisoo POV
"Dad! i'm home!" i shouted. However, the shock had robbed me from my speech. i walked into my house which was filled with boxes and one of them wrote "Jisoo's room". My parents were sitting at the dining table with looking disheartened. Is it because of me? Did i do something wrong? Negative thoughts rushed through my mind as i walked towards the dining table and sat down.

" very sorry jisoo" my dad continued "remember when i told you that we will be staying here in korea for a long time?"   "Yes?" i replied
"Well, i just got a call from the people back in Australia and they told me that they needed me to be back there to help the business. I'm sorry...i didn't have a choice. I really wanted to stay here too. But they are losing business back in Australia and i have to help." he explained. I was trying to hold back
my tears after hearing what he had said. This meant that after few days i might never be able to see my friends ever again. And i was just about to confess to y/n but i guess all the plans that i've made have been ruined.

Sadness was running through my veins and the only thought that was running through my mind constantly was "I will never be able to see them again."

How is this possible? We just got here... it feels like i'm unable to live a proper life because we keep shifting.

All these thoughts began entering my head, causing me to rush back to my room in agony.

My sobs escalated into wails. How am i gonna continue living like this? I hate my life...
I'll never have proper friends or a proper relationship. This just sucks...

After several minutes of crying, i heard a knock on my door. It was my mother. She walked in and comforted me " I know this must be very tough for you. It's tough for me as well. But we can't continue to cry about it. Because you only have a 2 days left to spent time with your friends who you love so much. So why not enjoy the short time spent with them so that you can leave korea with a smile on your face?"
"That's true" I said wiping my tears away.
"OKAY! im going to meet them now!!! Thanks mum!" i exclaimed
My mother smiled and left the room.

*Texts friends*
me : Hi can we meet up now? Because i have something to tell you guys.

oh a message from jisoo!
jisoo : Hi can we meet up now? Because i have something to tell you guys.
me : Sure! starbucks?
jisoo: yea. see you there!

Yes! i can finally tell her how i feel. i hope it will all go smoothly. And i wonder what she has to tell us about. It seems rather exciting.
At starbucks :
"Hey Y/n !" Jisoo exclaimed
"Hi guys. sorry im late." y/n said while sitting down.
"So what was it that you wanted to tell us?" jennie questioned jisoo with her eyes filled with curiosity.
Tears welled up in jisoo's eyes and began flowing down her cheeks
" I'm sorry guys.." jisoo sighed, " i'm leaving for australia in two days."
< to be continued >

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