Chapter 4

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Aish dance is's the worst subject ever
Why must we dance? It's not even exercise.
"You will have an individual dance assignment in two may be dismissed!" our dance instructor said
DANCE? ASSIGNMENT? I am going to fail?!
this is impossible ! I need help...
Y/n was worried about the assignment that he didn't pay any attention during science. Jisoo realised that y/n seemed rather uncomfortable and asked , "Are you ok?" Y/n jolted back to reality. "uhh...i...i-it's just something that's bugging me that's all..."
"Really? Cuz you look worried and troubled." Jisoo questioned y/n
Y/n whispered to jisoo "please do not tell anyone ok? i-i don't know how to dance..."
Jisoo wanted to burst out laughing but she didn't want to hurt y/n so she giggled.
"Hm...Maybe i can help...i shall give you dance classes every thursday and saturday for these two weeks!" Jisoo suggested
"Oh uh thanks!" Y/n replied gleefully
Yes! This way Jisoo and i can get to know each other better...
- Magical time skip to after school -
I was walking out of the classroom when i heard jisoo say "Bye y/n See you tomorrow! Oh wait...Could i have your number? so that i can text you about the class thing..."
Jihoon heard jisoo's question and glanced at me. After i gave Jisoo my number , Jihoon  pulled me to one corner and asked me a flow of questions.
" what class? number? why did she ask for your number?" he asked
" it's nothing..." i lied to him
i didnt want him to find out that i didnt know how to dance. He always thought that i knew how to dance but i was just too lazy.
Now, if i tell him he will tease me for a lifetime.
I hope Jisoo does not tell anyone my top secret.
She seems like she can keep a secret. She's trustworthy. At least that's what i think...

Blackpink pov
Jisoo: Ok where are we going now?
Jennie : I'm not sure...Anyway, why did you ask that cute guy y/n for his number?
Jisoo : it's a secret
Lisa : you likey him...
Rosé : Ooooo
Jisoo : no if i tell you guys , i will break his secret
Jennie : tell me i won't tell anyone i promise...
Lisa : Yeah we promise
Jisoo : Ok i'll tell you when we get to our dorm
Jennie : Fineee
Lisa : Do you know that some annoying guy that sits infront of me called jihoon keeps bugging me during class? He keeps turning back to ask me so many questions... The only thing we share in common is that we ship Ji—-
rosé : Shhhhhhhhh!
Jisoo : Ji- What?
Jennie : no-thing—aaaa why don't we buy back some pizz—-
Jisoo : ARE you hiding something from me?
Lisa : nooooOO
Jisoo : hm...i suspect something...but i don't really care right now...i want to focus on the dance assignment
Lisa : great then
Rosé : same *sarcastic laughter*
Jisoo : Yeah ok let's go and buy some piZZa!!!

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