chapter 13

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sorry for being super inactive cuz i have been falling sick like a lot for the past few days so im really dead rn . But ill still update from time to time :)

Chapter 13:
au-australia? she's going b-back . i could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. Just as things were going well between us. Must my love life have a bad ending to it? I tried to hold back my tears at the thought of not seeing her ever again. No matter how many times she reassured us that she'll be back, i know she wouldn't return. But...i'll never forget her. And she'll always be in my heart...

"I'm really sorry.*sigh* i tried to convince my dad but he said that once everything runs smoothly again we'll be back. I-I think." she stuttered, while trying to wipe her ever flowing tears away.

Everyone was silent. No one commented, no one complained. We were all probably trying to hold back our tears at the thought of  Jisoo— the beautiful girl with such a lovely heart, is leaving us. She'll probably start a new life in australia and live her life there again...

We will still be her friends but she'll most likely be very busy with school and her future job.

I will


i really really really like you.

But i have to accept reality — you'll never be mine.

I will only get to see you in my dreams.

Little did i know that tears began trickling down my cheeks. Everyone was staring at me. I felt as if the whole world was on my shoulders, i felt broken on the inside. I couldn't hide my pain anymore. So i left.

I left the place and ran back home in tears. I slumped myself on my bed and shouted into my pillow "KIM JISOO I LOVE YOU! AND I WILL
MISS YOU!" i felt lost and i couldn't accept it. i know i have to but i just can't. *sigh* "she'll never know my feelings for her." *sigh*... Just then i heard a knock on my door...
< to be continued...>
y/n ran away. I wanted to tell him that i like him. But he's probably too sad right now for me to confess to him. "I should probably run after him" Jihoon suggested while standing up prepared to exit starbucks to go after y/n. "No!" i shouted, stopping Jihoon.

"I-i sh-should go.i'll go after him. he probably went home." I continued.

"You sure?" Jihoon reassured me


I rushed out of starbucks and ran to y/n's house , hoping that he'll be there. When i reached, i heard a familiar voice sobbing away as if someone had just died. I mustered up my courage and took a deep breath. Just as i was about to knock, someone tapped my back while asking "Yes? Are you looking for y/n?" i turned back to see y/n's mother behind me .

I tried to hide my tears and greeted her but she realised that i was crying. She reassured me that my secret would be safe with her and i told her everything and also about y/n running away.

"Everything will be fine. Have courage. And just tell him how you feel and he'll feel much better." her advice gave me a bit more confidence and she helped me open the door to their house.

I trudged up the stairs, reluctant to see y/n crying. But i have to do this. I have to tell him everything. And i have to assure him that i'll never forget him and i'll try my best to return to Korea . I took a deep breath and knocked on his door...

<to be continued>

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