Chapter 11

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" I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this..."
"sure. What is it?"
" someone. But I don't know if she feels the same."
"oOo... i guess you should just tell her that you like her. There's nothing to be afraid of."
"But what if she rejects me?"
"Don't worry bro. You'll be fine...who is it ?"
"Don't tell anyone okay? "
"It's jisoo"
"oOo. That's greattttt!"
"please do not tell anyone..."
" fine. Your secret is safe with me."
"Okay thanks. Wish me luck."
"You can do it! Bye"
I guess i just have to follow my heart and confess to her. I really hope this works...
Jisoo POV
Should i tell y/n? Should i? I don't know...
Just then my phone rang. It was my dad?
Why would he call me at such an hour?
"Hey dad im in school now. Im about to go for a drink with my friend. Is there anything wrong? "
" Uh...i'm sorry but i need you to come home for a short while. I need to tell you something. It's important. I know I promised you but i'm sorry..." my dad replied. He seems rather worried about something... that's strange...
" What is it?" My curiosity piqued.
"ill only tell you when you get home. It's very important..."
"Fine...see you..."
"See you. Bye"
What is going on? Why does he sound disappointed? I have to get home...
But i guess i have to meet y/n another day
Y/n :)
                 Me: hey y/n im so sorry but i cant   meet u tdy . I have to go home cuz my dad says it's something important. Im so sorry... :(

Y/n: it's okay. We can meet another day i guess. Text me when you're free! Take care:)
                    Me : thankss. <read>

I guess we can't meet today.
*sigh* i was really hyped up though.
It's okay i can go home and make a card for her.

Jisoo POV
"Dad !!! Im home!"

< to be continued...>

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