Chapter 8

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Lisa : i knew it!
                             me: no no no...i typed y/n cuz i      realised that he left something in my house
Chae: Why was he even at your house??
                            me : I was helping him for the  dance thing i told you he needed help .
Jennie: Hmmm...okay...
Lisa: ...suspicious jisoo...
                           me: what? i'm telling you the truth
Jennie : okay if it's not y/n then why is your heart fluttering...??
                        me: let's ignore that okay it stopped
jennie: Fluttering??
                        me: it stopped beating quickly
Jennie: Okay...
                         me: this conversation is getting awkward i gtg now byeee!!
Jennie: hmmm...
Lisa: hmmm...
- end of convo-
Jisoo POV
phew that was close...Y/N? Love? *facepalms* okay this is impossible...But i mean, y/n is kinda cute i guess *blushes* . nonono...i dont know!! Am i in love?I shouldn't be like that Y/n and i met like only one week ago.But it feels like i've known him for so long i mean we do have a lot in common. And spending time with him was fun...hehe... AHH KIM JISOO SNAP OUT OF IT... I can't be in love right now...what if i confess but he doesn't feel the same way? What if he hates me after that? Maybe i should ask Jennie for advice i mean she is kind of like a big mouth but i trust that she can keep this secret.
*calls jennie*

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