Chapter 4-Josh

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I sighed heavily as I hopped over a poorly-constructed wire fence that sat at the back of the alley, looking around at my surroundings. I glanced behind me to see somebody in a red cloak walking over to Tyler, and Tyler scrambling against the wall behind him, his movements appearing to be just impulse and fear. I hated to see this skinny and curious boy hurt—well, more hurt than he already was—so I fretted for a moment, before grabbing ahold of the wire fence now in front of me with a steel hard grasp, my knuckles turning white, I hoisted myself over the fence and landed mostly steadily on the other side, where Tyler and this red-cloaked asshole was. Tyler turned to look at me with a look of shock, his green eyes with those flawless blue flecks sparkling in them wide. I stormed over to the red-cloaked figure, and abruptly discovered this guy was a bishop, because when I grabbed his bony shoulder to spin him around, the bishop voices that had momentarily been dead silent in my prison of a mind went to the maximum volume in 0.2 seconds. I cried out, stumbling backwards.
The bishop grinned a horrifyingly menacing smile at me as I scrambled away. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Tyler stepping towards me but everything was just too much. Too many voices in my mind that seemed to have ice cold hands that grabbed me by the wrists, the throat, the hair, everywhere, and I landed down onto the loose gravel underneath me, feeling the pebbles dig into the palm of my hand as a sharp pain overcame me. I hissed and the voices subsided along with the curtain that seemed to have clouded over my vision. I watched Tyler, a flash of movement, push the bishop down onto the gravel beside me and kick them. I scrambled up just as Tyler was going to kneel beside me to presumably help me up and I accidentally knocked him and I both over, me on top of him. Tyler's breathing under me turned ragged, even though I wasn't putting any pressure on him at all, but I rolled off, landing onto my back.
"If we are going to go, we need to go now," I warned Tyler.
"W-we?" Tyler stuttered as I took his thin hand and easily hoisted him up with me.
"Yes, we, Classified, we need to go now." I said, gently pushing him forward. Tyler broke into a run like I'd hoped he would. I ran beside him, but when he stared running in the shoulders and directed him to the door that led to the tunnel, that led to camp.
"B-But—" Tyler protested.
"I want to save you, Tyler, so please let me." I said solicitously. Tyler hesitated before slipping through the door of the tunnel I was holding for him. I closed the door behind us, and we were engulfed in darkness. I reached for my flashlight and turned it on.
"What are you? Y-you're not just Josh, per say. I can tell." Tyler said. He was a few centimeters shorter than me and my eyes flicked down to his lip where the blood was still at, a dark crimson color that left a small trail out of the corner of his mouth to his chin.
"I'm a Bandito." I said with a shrug.
Everything must've been just too much for Tyler, because next I knew he was collapsing and I was catching him, crying out his name all the while.

Thx for 15 reads! This chapter is smaller, I apologize :) I hope you enjoy!

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