Part 4

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"That guy - where did you find him? Why did he hate you?"

I let out a small sigh.



"Found him on the streets in my territory. I was able to give him a job and eventually he worked his way up the ladder. As for hating me - I forced him to work for me. I payed for his home, his food, and the clothes on his back through that job - I don't think he enjoyed being under the thumb of a girl, especially with how us ladies are supposed to be acting in this day and age."

Michael looked at me like there was more, but the whole talk with Gunther had drained me more than what I had anticipated. We made small-talk about the other things I had on my agenda before we arrived at a small candy shop downtown. Before I was going to head into it, I went to the small booth beside it, putting a few nickels in the slot and went through the operator to reach home. It took a few moments before anyone picked up.

"Rayne estate, please state your business."

I couldn't help but grin at Donatello's voice.

"Donnie, It's me - Anya. I was hoping to talk to you and Red."

Don's voice suddenly went to a much more friendly tone.

"Oh! Anya - this equipment is state-of-the-art! I just figured it out with the nice operator and-"

"Donnie - is Red with you?"

Don's rambling ended quickly, a shout was able to make it through the receiver. I chuckled at their antics.

"He's here now, Miss. He got his hand stuck trying to help Harrison fix one of the pipes."

"Hitman and plumber now, are you Red? I guess I'll have to increase your pay." I joked.

"Shuddup, Anya," The gruff tone of Raph mumbled through the receiver. "Jes' tell us what's goin' on."

"Alright, don't get your tie in a twist, Raph. I'm heading to an undercover speakeasy - the one that's under the candy shop, downtown? Yeah, that one. I'm meeting up with another Don to discuss some gang problems we've been having and I want them fixed. In case things start turning South, I want you two down here in 15 minutes. Have James take you boys in the car. This could get... messy."

"My favorite kind, Anya. See ya' in 15." Raph answered, the phone going dead as he hung up. I put the receiver away, stepping out of the booth and motioning Leo and Michael to follow.

The sweets shop was a mint green, accented with a Dijon yellow. The old lady behind the register was wiping off the counter. She looked at me with scanning eyes, planning a second hand under the desk. Michael's eyes went wide - ironically, like a kid in a candy shop.

I muttered to the boys, "Don't touch a thing. None of this candy is actually good."

Michael looked a little disappointed as we meandered through the stalls.

"If you see anything you'd like, please let me know," the old lady announced.

The code.

"Actually, I was hoping for some Fizzing Lollies."

The old lady nodded at me. A moment later, a hatch by the ladies restroom opened up.

"Good luck, Madame. Don Vizioso is not in the greatest mood..."

"To you as well, Mary - tell Todd that I'll be sending another doctor towards him as a thanks. He doesn't deserve to have pneumonia, the poor man."

The woman looked ecstatic as my boys and I descended. I willed my face to an apathetic annoyance, spying the gluttonous Don in the corner of the speakeasy, pigging out on whatever his grunts served him.

"I wasn't aware this was a lunch discussion, Don Vizioso. I'm quite displeased with your men hounding around on my territory."

The hoggish slopping ceased as he paused eating.

"I can't control the grunts, 'Dame. They do what they please and only listen when you put a gun to their throats."

"I think you understand that I'm here for their sake, not mine. I'm more than happy to hunt them down myself and dispose of your... grunts - as you call them. You've seen my methods the last time one of your men tried to assassinate me." I said, pulling out my light red lipstick and giving my appearance a quick touch-up.

Always look like the one who's in charge: that's how I'll make sure something gets done - today.

Some of the men watched, but it was all about control until Donnie and Raph got here.

"Nothin' personal, 'Dame - just business. You were already threaten'in other Dons with your freakish stuff. I didn't wanna take any chances of losin' my profits. Especially with them muties you've been gettin'. Nothing but trouble comes from you." Vizioso muttered, shaking his head in displeasure.

"I assure you that if you keep your eyes, and fingers, out of my territory and my plans - I'll go out of my way to not interfere with your... profit. You have my personal word." I said, gracing them with a seemingly innocent smile.

The Don's face looked appeased, pulling one of his grunts off to the side and muttering something to him. The grunt went out the back door, bringing out a bottle of wine and two glasses on a platter.

"I'll cave for you, Rayne. Only 'cause your pretty face doesn't need to see a war you were gonna lose." Vizioso said, taking the wine and pouring each of us a glass. The bottle was soon whisked off back out the rear door.

"A drink in good faith, 'Dame. Please, my Mama Vizi had this stored in her cellar for ages. Please - indulge with me." He said before downing the glass like a shot.

I picked up the glass cautiously, giving it a quick sniff for anything off.

The Don was clever - I have to be honest.

I took a small sip from the tainted glass, using the purifying qualities of my aura to burn away the poison he had snuck into the glass. It takes a murderer to know a murderer.

He looked smug at me as I sipped from the glass. I left a small lip print on the glass as I set it down. The bitter taste of the toxin was a little unappealing compared to the sweet dessert wine I was served. I gave Don Vizioso a look of pure loathing as I sat down the glass.

"How basic of you," I started, "To try and poison me looking so smug."

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