Part 5

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The Don's face look mortified - and drained to a pale wax as two more mutants walked casually downstairs.

"Ya' called for us, Madame?" the gruff voice of Red called out.

A wicked smile creeped onto my lips as I looked at the slobbish Don quivering before my small figure.

"Why yes, I did."

I watched the Don cower behind his grunts - who had handguns out and waiting.

"Touch me, Rayne - and you'll start a war you could never win. You have too little time in here to ever grasp what it is to be a true ruler of this city." He threatened weakly.

"A wise ruler knows when to wait, Vizioso. I let you and the other Dons fight for the title. Perhaps I'll take it when you've all eliminated each other," I mused - walking toward her target, the turtles mere steps away.

I heard the clicking of a pulled back trigger, seeing another one of the Italian's grunts aim for me from behind a door. I slid into a deadly, cold calm as I walked - the dampener on my power snapped away with barely a thought. Tendrils rose out from the shadows, the darkness tinted red like old blood. A man fired a bullet with a bang - only to be impaled by a piercing spear. The man's eyes went wide in both terror and awe as he hung limply from the apparition. Another thought had him falling to the ground and bleeding.

"Y-You - You're a freak!" the glob-like Don shouted, pulling out his own gun. Several shots were fired rapidly - each being deflected from point-blank. Quickly, I gave an order to the boys to incapacitate the incoming grunts that were swarming the place like maggots to rotten flesh - or in this case: maggots to a fat slob. Shots were continuously fired and it felt like war inside the small room.

The bartender had hid behind his stores, liquor and beer and wine raining down as the glasses were shattered. Whores and flappers ran to the nearest exit, fleeing to safety. 

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