So, Tony decides that the Avengers need to talk more and bond. This is just a collection of one-shots, imagines, and whatever else that comes around of Avengers in a chat room because I've been on a binge lately and this is the result.
*Requests ar...
Steve- She/He has been doing this to this exact song for six hours
Steve- I love her/him, but she's/he's your problem now
Steve has left the chat
Y/N- Sorry if I'm over stepping boundries I don't mean to be
But I just gotta tell you how I feelllll
Vision- Her/His intoxication levels are skyrocketing
Vision- This seems like a you problem
Vision has left the chat
Wanda- Unbelievable
Y/N- Wanda, now that we're alone
Wanda- You don't sound drunk
Y/N- I don't know what you want, woman, but if you are looking for a hook up I can tell you I do not want that. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a delight for people like you.
If you hate this, it'll be the end of it and I will leave you be. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you BUT if you do, I may ask you to coffee tomorrow morning at nine
Wanda- I...I do not know how to respond to this
Y/N- If you say yes, I will throw in a cake pop
Wanda- ;) you know me so well
Wanda- Yes, I will go on a date with you tomorrow you smooth asshole
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Wanda- I'll be the one in red :)
Y/N- I'll be the hottie in blue
Y/N has left the chat
Wanda has left the chat
Clint has entered the chat
Clint- My two adopted children are going on a date