Chapter Three

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I woke and I see white walls filled with certificates. I didn't know why but I was very confused at the moment.

I got up to hold my head, "Oh, I see that your awake", A lady on the other side of the room said.

"W-Where am I?", I questioned her.

"You are at the nurse's office, Ms. Henderson, it appears you've suffered a concussion?" I nodded my head to reply.

"What the hell happened?" I said in confusion. 

"It appears to see that Ms. Heather Hansel, I punched you vigorously, which caused you to get "knocked out". I cringe as she tries to quote slang.

"I'll write you a note to bring home, give you some backup ice packs, then you can go.

"Ok", I replied.

The nurse started to write like a cheetah, it even appeared to be extremely neat


The nurse dismissed me, two hours before school, so it was around 1:00, since school ended at 3.

I was startled due to the facts that the bell ringed so loud, it rang in my ears. I saw Raelyn in the distance, she ran to me, whilst I didn't budge over my extreme headache.

"Are you okay!?", she cried, making my head hurt even more, but at least she cared. Eventually the class doors surrounding us opened, and students came out make lot of noise, that my head a few seconds from exploding.

The class I have right now was the stupid man, that put me in detention, Mr. Stanley.

I sat down in my usual seat, and Mr. Stanley gave me a stank face.

I replied with a eye-roll, I didn't even know why he was looking at me.

"Good Morning Class, today you will be continuing Algebra II from yesterday. Take out your notebooks, or I'm  taking points off your grade", Mr. Stanley said, sternly

One thing I hate about Mr. Stanley is that, he actually does take points, besides other teachers that threatens us to just stay organized.


I went through class, finally with out talking to Raelyn, but I still got detention anyways, My stupid self threw a paper across the room, like the imbecile I am, eventually Mr.Stanley found out it was me, then I blamed it on Raelyn just for her to stay with me, so yeah...that's what happened.


I wanted to go home today so that's what I did, I head home with people staring, over a reason that I don't know.


I finally got home, and once I stepped inside the house, I yelled "I'm Home!!"  to signal everyone in the house that I'm home, I head to the kitchen, as I notice that Rivan came rushing down the stairs.

"I head what happened to Heather" Rivan sneered.

"Yeah, I'll get my revenge soon", I replied while look through the fridge for a snack.

"Did you hit her back when you woke up?", Rivan asked.

"I wish", I said in a boring voice.

Rivan walked back upstairs "Tell Raelyn to record the fight", He yelled, he must really want to see it, huh.

I took some bagels and strawberry cream-cheese out of the fridge, I separated the two half bagels and put them both in the toaster, as my mouth waters.


It is 8:04 pm and I still haven't taken a shower, so I'll just take one right now.

I head to the bathroom and strip my clothes off my body, I realized one boob is bigger then the other, but I don't mind.


I finished showering and I put the a grey loose spaghetti strap with some blue sweatpants, I fall onto my bed and snatch my phone from the nightstand.

I saw a notification it was from Theo.

You are such a whore, get ready for a bitch fight with my girlfriend Heather tomorrow :). Can't wait to see you cry in pain, treesh.

I sigh, "Kids these days", I whisper.

At least tomorrow I might get my revenge back like I said earlier.

You just wait and see.


Hey! Chapter Tres is up! Hope ya like!<3.

Btw, This is the most active I've been ever since this story started. But dont get surprised when I put a pause on this and continue Enchanted Academy.

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