Chapter 1

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So this is my version and story idea of the upcoming Descendants 3. There are some scenes from High School Musical 3 and The Hunchback of Notre Dame that I added in so enjoy.

Mal raised her head up and start exhaling heavily. She looks at her hands as she chained up on top of the Cathedral church. She looked down at the ground and see a large crowd of the citizens of Auradon, including the kids from the Island of Isle. She sees her friends, Evie, Jay,  Carlos, Dude, Jane, Audrey, Freddie, Lonnie, Doug, Uma, Harry Hook, Gil, Dizzy, Chad, Ben, Belle, The Fairy Godmother, and everyone student in Auradon Prep are in cages. Ben is tied on a pyre and Frollo is standing in front of him. Mal see's Ben below, about to be burned at stake, Frollo torch to the pyre, starting the fire. Mal's eyes turn green and yelled, "NO!!!"

Mal wakes up as it appear that she was having a dream or was it just a vision. She gets out of bed with her long braided purple hair, wearing a blue and yellow night gown. She goes to her window balcony and take a breath of fresh air. Mal see's a bird's nest beside her as the little bird awakens.

"Good morning." Mal said to the bird as it squeaks her approval.

"Will today be the day? You ready to fly?" she asked the bird as it disapproval.

"You sure? Its a good day to try. Even on tonight's Championship game. It will fun with music and a celebration..." she said as the bird starts flapping its wing while Mal removes her hands.

She chuckles and show her hands to the bird, who finally realizes that its flying. Its squeaks an approval, then a flock of birds fly by.

"Go on, be free little guy." Mal said to the bird flies off to join the flock.

Suddenly their was a knock on Mal's door and it was The Fairy Godmother.

"Good morning, your highness." Fairy Godmother said.

"Godmother, I told you before, you don't have to call me, 'highness.' Mal said.

"Well you are the princess of Auradon." Fairy Godmother remind her.

Mal sits down and let Fairy Godmother fix her hair.

"You ready for tonight's Championship game?" she asked.

"Oh yes. Jay and Carlos have been practicing so hard preparing for the game, I can't wait to see them kick butt." Mal laughed.

"What about coronation? You ready for that?" Godmother asked.

"Um. Yeah. I'm totally ready for it." Mal said with a fake smile. 

She wanted to tell Fairy Godmother about her dream last night, but she decided not to.

"I usually let Evie do this, but she mostly my designer." Mal said.

Tonight everyone in Auradon was heading to the Championship game at their new stadium. Mal arrives at the game where she gets a VIP seating with her boyfriend, King Ben. 

"Hey Benny Boo." Mal said.

"Mal!" Ben said as they hugged each.

"What's the score?" Mal asked.

"Not too good. It's 26-47" Ben said.

"Oh that's a bummer." Mal said.

"I really miss playing tourney, if I was still playing we would score ten more points by now." Ben said.

"Well, I know how you feel." Mal said.

Mal, Ben, and everyone in Auradon is watching the game. Jay, Carlos, Chad and Lonnie team were playing against Sherwood Forest Falcons, but they were losing. The team went in to their lockers for halftime.

"Alright! No more X's and O's okay? Forget about the scoreboard, because here's the number what really matters... Sixteen. Their sixteen minutes left in the season. And for the seniors on the team, guys you only got sixteen minutes in that Knight's uniform. So make em count. Sixteen." Coach said.

Jay and Carlos stands up and heard every word coach said.

"Hey guys!" Jay said as the teams gave him his undivided attention.

"Okay, guys. You all heard coach, we are all gonna remember the sixteen minutes a long time after this last game of the season. So its now or never. Carlos?" Jay said.

"What are we?!" Carlos said to the team.

"Knights!" the team said.

"What are we?!" Carlos said again.

"Knights!" the team said.

"What are we?!" Carlos said once again.

"Knights!" the team said.

The squad runs to the door of the gym and out to the field.

(A musical number plays during their last 16 minutes left in the game.)

Jay calls a time out when they are 40 seconds left in the game.

"I'm tripled-teamed. I can't get a shot." Jay said.

"Then what do you want to do, Captain?" coach said.

"Let's put in Squeaky and Squirmy." Jay said.

"Squeaky and Squirmy? Jay, you are two points away." Coach tells him.

"I know, I know. Just bring them in." Jay said.

"Okay. Squeaky, Squirmy. Come on! Come on. Get in here, boys." Coach said to them.

Squeaky and Squirmy are twin boys and the sons of Smee from Peter Pan.

The twins ran up and both ready to play.

"Calm down, okay? Now keep your eyes on me." Jay said to the twins.

The team players and the coach were yelling. "Let's go! Move! Come on!"

Jay pass the puck, to Squirmy but he trips, then pass it to Squeaky, then he shoots it at the goal and the Knights won. The students came to the field cheering on them.

"That's what I'm talking about." Carlos said as he high five Jay. The coach handed Jay the trophy and raised the trophy high and kissed it as the crowd cheers.

"I knew they can do it." Mal said

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